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Jacqueline’s Junque



I spent some time today reading political message
boards on AOL, and WOW did I ever get straightened
out! It seems that AMERICA is corrupt, and we
are all doomed! I think you will find by the end
of this message that I couldn't disagree more!

Did you know for example, that President Bush KNEW
about the pending attack before 9-11 and did nothing
about it? Seems he needed a war to cover the upcoming
investigation into his financial wrongdoing (I read
at least 20 of those postings). Did you also know
that It's the presidents fault Enron failed and
cheated so many out of their 401K plans. He should
have known and done something! This of course
would never have happened under Gore. Give me a
break people, can anyone really believe this nonsense?

I read today that America is the worlds BULLY,
and that we are fighting George Bush's war for
oil and money, WHAT ABOUT THE 3000 DEAD
have these people already forgotten them? I learned
today that we are living in the last days because the
bible says so! Yeah I learned a lot today, I learned
that there are far more misinformed Americans who
see the glass as half empty than I would have ever
believed, I also learned that far too many are willing
to attack our way of life even while they take full
advantage of the rights they enjoy as AMERICANS!

It's that very RIGHT of free speech that allows
people to spew whatever nonsense they choose.
Its FREEDOM of religion that allows people to say
they believe the end is near. And it is FREEDOM
that allows me to tell these people that with all
it's flaws THIS IS MY AMERICA, and I will not
sit quietly while it is trashed by those who don't
choose to think for themselves!

Don't try telling me that George Bush is NOT "really"
the president because of a corrupt Supreme Court.
The court did it's job EXACTLY as outlined in the
constitution, and DON'T try telling me that the
UNITED STATES was somehow at fault for the
terrorist attack of 9-11!

All this time I have been believing that AMERICA
is the greatest nation on earth, and in history! And
guess what? I STILL DO!

If I were to believe the theme of the 100 or so
postings that I read today then I would need to
find another country to live in, and I strongly
suggest to those who don't like being here to do
EXACTLY that! These negative people who attack
the very right of our country to defend it's self are
UN-AMERICAN! This is my country, IT IS
the home of FREEDOM! This is.........



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