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Jacqueline’s Junque



I have spent a fair amount of time trying to decide what
I could write as a Memorial Day piece for this site.
Should it be all about our military and their sacrifice?
Maybe it should not be military at all, but be more about
remembering our departed loved ones? Then I finally
realized that it is a day of remembrance for all those
who have paid the price for our way of life.   Those who
not only fought for our freedoms, but those who have
made FAMILY life and life as an American what it is in this
great country by setting an example!

My Mother never served in the Military, but she
taught me that those who did were to be honored.
My Father did serve, but unfortunately taught me that
simply being in the military is not in itself enough to
earn honor.  They and others made me who I am today,
I will Remember this. I will remember some teachers
that helped guide me, and my Grandfather who served
with honor in W.W.I,  then went on to teach me and my
siblings about trust and truth.   It is people
like him that have paid the price and paved the way
for the America we cherish today.  

Memorial Day should be a day that each of us gives
at least some time to reflecting on those who came
before us. Maybe its your Mother or Father you can
recall giving something of her/him self to make this
world a better place?   Maybe its someone else that
has touched your life in some other way.  The people
who have come before us, be they brave soldiers, 
scout leaders, teachers or simply good friends should
be remembered on Memorial Day. Those who have
made a difference in your life and the lives of others.

Memorial Day is a time to have picnics, be with family
or maybe visit the cemetery and place flowers for a
loved one. Maybe it also should be a day when we
consider how we ourselves will be remembered.

We can Honor the memories of those who came
before us by also paying the price of keeping this
nation great.  What is that price?

It's being a responsible American, caring about others,
leading by example, or at least being good citizens
who pay attention to the needs of others! What
better tribute  to those who have gone before
than to also give something  to the community, 
or simply those around us?

God Bless our ancestors for giving us such a bright
future and a strong America!  May our children say
as much about us when we are gone!

Happy Memorial day!


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