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Jacqueline’s Junque



I am a far left wing card carrying conservative!
I support freedom of choice, and I am Pro life. I
have been an ardent supporter of the President, who
clearly is a liar and has misled America. I believe
the war in Iraq is all about oil, and I know that it
was necessary to remove Saddam in order to fight
terrorism. I encourage everyone to pray for our
troops, and support the separation of church and
state. I am a Christian and a Jew, I am an atheist.

I believe in America!
I believe our country has become an aggressor.
I know that America is the most generous nation
of all time, and goes to the aid of other countries
when they are in need. I believe that we should
listen to others when they disagree with our policy,
we are a sovereign nation not ruled by the UN or
bound by it. I think our actions have caused the
hate shown by Islamic extremists. I understand that
no actions can excuse terrorism. I am a black male,
a white female, and a native American. I am very
sure of my belief's, and I question constantly
what I should believe about the world.

I loudly shout out against those who sully
America. I cannot object to those who stand
against us because I know they are right in what
they say. I see a bright future ahead because I
know that America stands for goodness and will
prevail. I think we are in the last days, surely
this messed up world cannot continue as it is going.

I stand united with my countrymen, I cannot
abide those who won't listen to reason. I am a
leader, I am a follower. I am deeply concerned
about what America stands for, and I couldn't
care less about politics. I say we must close our
borders and stop meddling with the world, and we
must make a difference, we must help those in need.

I am gay, straight, old fashioned, and modern, I am
a high school drop out, and I am well educated.
I live in the inner city and in the corn belt. I support
diversity, I think being politically correct is nonsense
and is symptomatic of this countries moral decline.
I am free to be whatever I choose, I am at a
disadvantage because of my race, I am a minority,
I am in the majority.

I am all the things above and much more.
I am FREE to believe or be whatever I wish!





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