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Hanging out with Grandpa Ed
and getting hungry for some cake.
I think I will just eat my shoe.

Here are some of my cousins
playing games at my party.

I am a winner!
Okay, where's the real food?

You did it now, I'm getting mad.
About to get more upset if you
don't give me that cup

All better!
I'm going to be a big boy now!!

Okay, Mom wants to know
what was in that sippy cup?

I can deal with this
any day of the year

What's for dinner? Cake?
or just icing?

Here I am playing with my friend, Haliegh.
I think she's kinda cute *wink*

I love my Grandma Kathy,
she makes good cake too!

This page is a transition between the slideshow of the first year of my life and what will be the slideshow of my second year of life (or age 1). I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures as much as I enjoyed them being taken. All of these chosen pictures were taken by Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Ed. They are good photographers, don't you agree? Thanks a bunch grandma and grandpa! Also thank you to everyone who was able to attend the party, and thank you for all the wonderful gifts.

Back to Joey's first slideshow

Check out Joey's first year website

Visit me at Age 1

Want to see even more of me??? I know you can't resist!

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