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Aliens and Evil Spirits

Are they real?

Is Evil real? Are demons and Aliens real?
Are they one and the same thing?

Can the devil really assume a pleasing shape? (or ANY shape?)

Can they appear in smoke and flames, or clouds?

or were millions of people mistaken, on September 11, 2001 ???

Is it true what the Bible says, that one day this entire universe will be in a final battle between good and evil? Are prophecies coming true today?

whatever, it seems we all need to keep open minds on just about everything! Some things are not as they appear.

More to come.....?:(

What is it?

As seen LIVE on TV by thousands of people around the world.

What are these faces? Your guess is as good as mine!

Many people said the faces looked like satan or bin Laden. Both with beards and some seem to have a turban on!

Well, "There are more things in heaven and earth than dreamed of in your philosophy" (Shakespeare)


Editor's Comments ©

On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was working at my home office. After being informed of the first terrorist attack on the Trade Center towers I turned on the television and watched the horror unfold. I was shocked at the unimaginable destruction, and overwhelming loss of life. It was a tragedy beyond belief.

As I watched that morning, I noticed a series of eerie faces in the billowing smoke. These images appeared to morph in the seemingly never-ending pillars of ugly black smoke. I made a mental note of these surreal apparitions, and I mentioned it to my wife. I did not discuss these sightings again. After all, I tend to see images in clouds. However the images I see in clouds are always pleasant images, usually animals.

In assembling the archives for this site, I viewed thousands of images and newspaper covers. Again, I noticed the eerie faces in the still images of the smoke of the burning towers. They seemed to be present in not just one, but several of the burning tower images. Further research provided additional information and seemed to confirm what I was seeing.

I was not alone in noticing these awful faces.

Mark D. Phillips, a professional AP photographer in New York, captured an incredibly real image of an evil, devil-like face that is distinguishable on the side of the tower's exterior structure. The authenticity of this image has caused a bit of a stir. Our research has concluded that his image is original and not doctored.

The Associated Press and Mark Phillips have unequivocally denied any tampering or enhancement of the image. In fact, neither AP or Phillips were aware of what the photograph appeared to reveal until the image was noticed by readers of US newspapers. When the photo appeared on an early Wednesday (Sept. 12) edition of the Saginaw (Michigan) Press, the phone calls began. (See images below.)

Further reports indicate that both CNN and ABC have also captured additional devilish images on their television videotape coverage. (See images below.)

Additional faces and images have also been identified by several others. (See images below.)

The images on this page are not intended to frighten. They are what they are: mostly evil images from an evil act. I, like most people in the world, are convinced that goodness will prevail over evil, and we pray that the likes of these images will never be seen again.

In a speech to the USA on September 11th, President Bush said, "Today, our nation saw evil." He may have been literally correct. Later in that same speech he also said, "Tonight, I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us spoken through the ages in Psalm 23: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me."

Not all images below depict evil faces. Some images depict angel-like images, objects, and flying creatures.

We offer our research as an archive of the images that show something, whatever that something may be.

There are also remarkable stories of NYC firemen dropping to their knees in prayer after seeing crosses rising up from the catastrophic ruins of the WTC towers.

We begin this section with the original story of the crosses, images of one of the crosses, where the cross was originally sighted, and a memorial with the NYC Fire Department. We have also included memorable cross images from the days following the September 11th attacks.

God Bless Our Earth.


Here's some links for relevant sites:
September 11 - Mysteries - Crosses in the Ruins, & Faces in The Smoke of the 9-11 WTC Attacks.
... Many Mysterious Images and Objects are Seen in the WTC Smoke. ... in the Ruins after the WTC Towers Collapse. ... was seen on Sept.11, 3 B.C. ... More pages from


September 11 - Archived September 11, 2001 News - The 9-11-2001 Terrorist Attack on America. Archives in ... ... Timeline & Images. 9/11 Mysteries 1 - Crosses & Images. 9/11 International. News Web ... 9/11 Attack. Images & Timelines. Aftermath Images. Sept/Oct/Nov ... More pages from

Scoop: Features > 911 Unanswered Questions ... administrations, acknowledges that America faces a new infectious disease ... of faith in the U.S. government's 9/11 Commission report ... anniversary of the Sept 11 attack there has still ... More pages from

Prison Planet - 9/11 Prior Knowledge Archive ... 9/11 Attack on America? Early Mysterious Signs ... fire and smoke from the downed ... WTC Attack Ahead of 9/11: A Minneapolis FBI supervisor said in a pre-Sept. 11 ...

... 9/11 Attack on America? Early Mysterious Signs, Previous ... WTC Complex: Despite the fact that the horrible events of Sept. 11 occurred in ... The fire and smoke from the downed ... More pages from



NOW What about ALIENS? Are THEY real? Why do so many people say they've seen them, and why are people so fascinated.????

Some think they're demons and some think they're gods, come to save us from ourselves!? (before we blow ourselves up in a nuclear war)

Are there angels and demons? Can they deceive us?

friends or enemies

Helpful or harmful?


Aliens - ET's or demons? ... New Age practices are so similar to occultic rituals makes a clear connection between aliens and demons. ... point I am making: aliens and demons want to claim our soul ...

Here's some more links to help:

Pat Robertson Says: ... You see, if aliens exist, they are simply demons trying to lead people away from Christ -- which Robertson ... of the existence of UFOs and space aliens. While Robertson viewed ... More pages from

Aliens, Demons, Giants, Rapture What is all this about? Also what does this all have to do with the rapture? Where and who are aliens? There is practically too much evidence today what people have actually seen and encountered these skinny, white, big head creatures. ... already heard about how aliens are demons, but this is not the ...

aliens.html ... Demons Can't be Aliens. What Ever Happened to the Spirits of the Giants? ... be called upon the earth evil spirits (demons), and on earth shall be their habitation ... More pages from

UFO s & Bible ... deceptive angelic encounters, occult manifestations and aliens, lead humans away from God ... UFOs, Angels & Demons - UFOs in the Bible. Days of Noah, Book of Enoch - Nephilim & Aliens ... More pages from

ALIENS, Demons and gods ... be found in our sharing. 0F ALIENS, ANGELS, DEMONS AND GODS; sounds like a movie or book ... influence in effect here. Are the aliens demons? I don't think so ... More pages from - Aliens: E.T.s or demons? Intelligent community discussion of science, religion, philosophy, and technology. ... Aliens: E.T.s or demons? Ever since the Kenneth Arnold "flying saucer" sighting and the Roswell incident ... this new knowledge of aliens and demons fully into your own understanding ...

Demons in Aliens Clothing DEMONS IN. ALIEN'S CLOTHING. DEMONS IN ALIEN'S CLOTHING. By Ron Patton ... employed there reported seeing different breeds of aliens. Congruently, the Mojave Desert in ... perspective, these extra-terrestrials are nothing less than demons in alien's clothing ... More pages from

Great UFO Deception Quotes - Even Whitley realizes that aliens are demons ... the modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical." ... just a little bit strange that UFOs and "aliens" would single out Israel, of all places on ... More pages from

The Cassiopaean Experiment Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk. Articles. Support Cassiopaea and the Quantum Future School! In the academic world, researchers make their living getting "research grants." ... Many so-called fairies and aliens look and act a lot like what have been described throughout history ... These beings, be they demons, vampires or aliens, have the ability to ... More pages from

*~*~*~*~* - UFO Photographs Alien Abduction UFO Links Crop Circle UFO Forum Area 51 UFOs Roswell UFO Conspiracy... Award winning UFOs / UFO website with UFO photographs, Roswell, Area51, alien abductions, crop circles, conspiracy theories, UFO links and a UFO forum. More pages from

Aliens in the Bible !!! ALIENS IN THE BIBLE. (A Biblical research project by John Milor) ... This distinction that divides aliens and demons is false ... you may protest, "Aliens have technology, and demons have powers ... More pages from

Jinn/ djinn/ jinns/ ginn information - UFOs, aliens, spirits, demons Information about Jinns,who materialize as UFOs, monsters, saints, aliens and spirits. More pages from

Crop Circles - Aliens or Demons? - A Sign of the times? Christian Forums is a free, non-profit and non-denominational online Christian Forum community to unite Christians of every denomination together as one body. ... Crop Circles - Aliens or Demons? - A Sign of the times ... Crop Circles - Aliens or Demons? - A Sign of the times ... More pages from

! Gerardus' Grist ! Aliens: Angels or Demons Aliens: Angels or Demons. Many people, especially with Christian background, are afraid of the UFO phenomena and usually perceive it as the influences of the devil or keep another fear pattern against it. ... Moses, the fallen angels (demons) had mated with the human race and created a ... More pages from

The Guide: Demons ... Content: Part-furry, Animals, Aliens, Demons, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Geek ... Comic Content: Furries, Aliens, Demons, Robots, Mechanic, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny ... More pages from

Aliens Aliens-We come to occupy your minds. Do you know what demons look like? First of all, I am writing this under the pretense that anyone who has seen an alien or flying saucer, or will see one, is telling the truth. ... deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons." Aliens are demons, and if God ... More pages from

3D lwo monsters demons aliens Turbo Squid is the world's fastest growing digital asset marketplace for 3D. Buy, sell, and trade 3D Models, Textures, Tutorials, Game Levels, Shockwave3D, Motion Capture files and more. ... KEYWORDS: monsters demons aliens faces facial charecters ... More pages from

Demons@play - Aliens - ... COPYRIGHT. Demons@play ... Graphics Gallery and Search Animated GIFs Photos Icons Clip Art. The demons are on there way. ... More pages from

Above Top Secret - Aliens & UFOs - Aliens or Demonic Incarnations ... I can understand what you're saying about demons turning into aliens because you would listen to an alien ... someone who believes in demons and aliens is also someone who believes ... More pages from

One of the many faces that appeared that fatal evil day

Seems Evil IS real? Demons and Aliens may also be real!



But they are NOT greater than God Almighty!:)
(Humanities *GodFather*)

The War on Evil is now official!:(

More on this later....

"There are more things in heaven and earth, than dreamed of in your philosophy"

Whatever you do, always keep an open mind.

Here's some more links to help:

**** ***

"Whatever is pure, beautiful, wholesome, worthy of praise, think on these (positive) things" (The bible) - UFO Photographs Alien Abduction UFO Links Crop Circle UFO Forum Area 51 UFOs Roswell UFO Conspiracy... Award winning UFOs / UFO website with UFO photographs, Roswell, Area51, alien abductions, crop circles, conspiracy theories, UFO links and a UFO forum. More pages from

ALIENS IN THE BIBLE. (A Biblical research project by John Milor) ... This distinction that divides aliens and demons is false ... you may protest, "Aliens have technology, and demons have powers ... More pages from

Jinn/ djinn/ jinns/ ginn information - UFOs, aliens, spirits, demons Information about Jinns,who materialize as UFOs, monsters, saints, aliens and spirits. More pages from

Crop Circles - Aliens or Demons? - A Sign of the times? Christian Forums is a free, non-profit and non-denominational online Christian Forum community to unite Christians of every denomination together as one body. ... Crop Circles - Aliens or Demons? - A Sign of the times ... Crop Circles - Aliens or Demons? - A Sign of the times ... More pages from

! Gerardus' Grist ! Aliens: Angels or Demons Aliens: Angels or Demons. Many people, especially with Christian background, are afraid of the UFO phenomena and usually perceive it as the influences of the devil or keep another fear pattern against it. ... Moses, the fallen angels (demons) had mated with the human race and created a ... More pages from

The Guide: Demons ... Content: Part-furry, Animals, Aliens, Demons, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Geek ... Comic Content: Furries, Aliens, Demons, Robots, Mechanic, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny ... More pages from

Aliens Aliens-We come to occupy your minds. Do you know what demons look like? First of all, I am writing this under the pretense that anyone who has seen an alien or flying saucer, or will see one, is telling the truth. ... deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons." Aliens are demons, and if God ... More pages from

3D lwo monsters demons aliens Turbo Squid is the world's fastest growing digital asset marketplace for 3D. Buy, sell, and trade 3D Models, Textures, Tutorials, Game Levels, Shockwave3D, Motion Capture files and more. ... KEYWORDS: monsters demons aliens faces facial charecters ... More pages from

Demons@play - Aliens - ... COPYRIGHT. Demons@play ... Graphics Gallery and Search Animated GIFs Photos Icons Clip Art. The demons are on there way. ... More pages from

Above Top Secret - Aliens & UFOs - Aliens or Demonic Incarnations ... I can understand what you're saying about demons turning into aliens because you would listen to an alien ... someone who believes in demons and aliens is also someone who believes ... More pages from

What IS an Alien? (something that God did NOT create?)

Life is a fascinating mystery which is being explored moment by moment.