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Please note that this page is under construction.  More columns will be added as time allows.

We share some of these stories in a column written each month for the Anderson Herald Bulletin.
  The column is published every second Sunday.
Here is a list of the published columns.  To view them just click on the titles.
Ordinary Guys Extraordinary Duty

The Armed Guard and the Merchant Marine

The Man Who Skied in Antarctica

The Bitter and Sweet Story 

The Strength of a Remarkable Generation

My Endorsement for Mayor 

He Was So Young a Couple of Hours Ago

Good News Bad News and Junk Mail

The Art of Staying Alive

Twenty Four Hours in OKC

The Greatest Generation

Mrs. Eisenhower and Mrs. Ford

The Lessons of a Good Father

Breathing New Life

Red Tails and Blue Skies

The Once Idyllic Island Okinawa

Growing too Old and Dying too Young

Silent Night Holy Night

The Christmas We Seldom See

Heroes and Clerks

A Little Traveling Music

Two Song Biscuits

Two Song Biscuits Two

Two Song Biscuits Served

The Dennard Family Saga

The Dennard Family Saga Continues

The Shining Metropolis on the Texas Plain

Commander Wilbur Y. Morton

How to Detect a Yankee

The Longest Day

The Story That Can’t Be Told

Better Days and Throwed Rolls

The Story of Anna Jean

Well Done Soldier Welcome home

A Quick Overview of PageBreeze

The PageBreeze screen is divided into two panes. You can adjust the width of the panes by dragging the center separator bar. You can also hide or show the left pane with a click of the mouse or by pressing the F4 function key.

The right pane includes five tabs:

The left pane has two tabs:


Are you building a small business website?

Be sure to check out our industry-specific services that can give your website features that make it look like it was created by an entire team of web professionals:

QuoteBreeze for Insurance - Instant websites and online quotes for insurance agents. Every agency can have a website with the features that clients expect.

ZipToGo for Restaurants - easy to set up internet takeout ordering for restaurants. Orders can be received by fax, email or cell phone text message.

Querybot - Small Business Knowledgebase and Interactive/FAQ. Increase customer satisfaction and cut the costs of anwswering email.

Building Web Pages with PageBreeze

PageBreeze's visual editor provides a familiar set of tools on the menus and toolbars. In addition, there are several special features that make it fast and easy to create web pages:

Navigating in the Editor

To see how easy it is to move between HTML files in PageBreeze try the the following:

You can hold down the "Alt" key and click a link to open a file in the editor. You can then use the (back) icon on the toolbar to return to the original file. This works exactly like your browser. PageBreeze keeps a history of the files you edit, so you can click the Back icon multiple times if you wish.

Try it now with this link. Then return to this page with the  icon.

You can also open another file by double clicking in the file list on the left.

Note that if you make changes to a page, PageBreeze will ask if you want to save the current page before opening the new page. If you prefer, you can have PageBreeze automatically save changes when you navigate to a different page This option is available in the Settings dialog box under the Tools menu.

Creating New Pages

To create a new page, choose New from the File menu. Then enter a title for the page. You can also elect to base the new page on a template. This makes it easy to use standard layout/formatting for your pages.

Any page can become a template. Simply choose Save Copy of Page as Template from the File menu and a copy of the page will be saved to your Templates folder. You can then base new pages on it.

Opening a new Editor Window (Professional Version)

PageBreeze Professional offers support for multiple editor windows so you can have more than one file open at once. This makes it easy to copy and paste between pages. To open a file in a new window, hold down the SHIFT key and double click the file name in the Files pane. You can also use the "Open in New Editor Window" command under the File menu.

Managing Projects (Websites)

PageBreeze makes it very easy to manage multiple website projects. The only thing you need to do to make things work properly is to keep every website/project in its own directory (folder).

The easiest way to handle things is to simply keep all the files for your website (HTML files, graphics, style sheets, etc.) in the same folder. Some people may prefer to divide things up among subfolders. This will also work fine.

As long as you keep each website in its own directory, PageBreeze will automatically manage things for you. For example, all hyperlinks will automatically become relative, and if you insert an image from a random location on your hard drive, the graphic file will automatically be copied to your website directory.

If you finish working on one project and want to open another website in PageBreeze, we suggest you use the File | Open command to open the first page in the new project. Why? This will list the page under the "Recent Files" section of the File menu so it will be easy to reopen the page. After opening the first page of the new project, use the Files pane to navigate between the other files in the project.

Creating a New Website Project.

To create a new website, simply create a new directory/folder and then create a new page in the folder. You'll usually want to start by creating the home page, which should be called "index.html" on most webservers.

For a fast start, you can use a website template for your new site. PageBreeze provides access to hundreds of free website templates on the internet. To find these, just choose "Get Website Templates" from the File menu.

Once you find a template, download the ZIP file for the templates and unzip the files into the new folder for your website. Then open the home page in PageBreeze and start modifying the template to fit your needs.

Previewing in your Browser

You can see exactly how your page will  look in Internet Explorer at any time by clicking the Preview tab. If you want to test your page in other browsers (or in IE itself), choose "View Current Page in Browser(s)" from either the File menu or the View menu (or press F7).

Publishing your Webpages to your Webserver

Once you have created your webpages with PageBreeze, you will want to upload them to your web server (web hosting account).

The easiest way to do this is to use the built-in FTP Publishing in PageBreeze Professional . However, you can also use a separate FTP utility. Many web hosting accounts also allow you to upload files using your web browser. This is usually managed through the Control Panel for your hosting account. However, FTP is usually faster and easier to work with--especially if you will be publishing a number of pages.

If you don't already have a web hosting account, please see our recommended hosting providers for some great values.

For more detail on how to publish your pages, choose Help Topics from the Help menu, and then click on How To | Uploading/Publishing your Web Pages.

Forms and Knowledgebases

Forms are an essential element of high quality websites. Forms are what make your website interactive; they allow you to collect information from your visitors. For business websites, forms can be a powerful sales and lead generation tool.

Building forms and then getting them to work the way you want is normally one of the most technical aspects of designing your website, but with PageBreeze, it's truly a breeze!

FormBreeze includes a powerful Form Builder. To access this, click the Form Builder tab on the Left.

To build a form, you simply drag a new form onto your webpage. Next, drag fields such as textboxes, listboxes and checkboxes onto the form.

The forms you build with PageBreeze can automatically integrate with our Form processing service, FormBreeze. With FormBreeze you never have to worry about programming or installing software or scripts on your webserver. You simply sign up for a FormBreeze account, enter your account ID, and things will work instantly!

FormBreeze includes powerful features can turn your forms into powerful marketing tools:

PageBreeze also allows you to drag a knowledgebase onto your webpages. The knowledgebase is powered by our Querybot service. Querybot allows visitors to your website to ask questions in their own words and get instant answers. Questions that cannot be answered by the system are forwarded to you by email.

A Querybot knowledgebase can serve as your front line for customer service and support, cutting the effort you need to put into manual email processing by up to 80% while dramatically improving your responsiveness to customer questions.

License and Distribution of PageBreeze

PageBreeze is completely free for personal, not-for-profit, or educational use. There are no limitations, and the software will never expire. If you use PageBreeze in your job, or in a for-profit business for non-evaluation purposes, you must obtain an inexpensive license for PageBreeze Professional, which includes several more advanced features (see below).

You may distribute the PageBreeze (free version) installation file in any way you wish, as long as you make no modifications to it. You are welcome to give PageBreeze to your customers or include it with other products (for example, a web hosting account), as long as you do not sell the software separately.

PageBreeze Professional

PageBreeze Professional includes some powerful extra features and is fully licensed for commercial use.

There are two ways to obtain a license for PageBreeze Professional:

Additional Features in PageBreeze Professional:

Help promote PageBreeze!

If you find PageBreeze to be a useful tool, please help us make others aware of our product by placing a link on your website. Please use the grahic on the right and link to


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