USS Pueblo Larry Marshall is the youngest member of the USS Pueblo crew. You say you've never heard of the Pueblo and those terrible 11 months of 1968? Listen to these clips, and you will never forget. Argument with Dad First Assignment Description of Pueblo McBucher's Navy On Station Harassment Attack Begins Causalities Duane Hodges Options The Aborted Rescue Boarding The Barn Charles Law Interrogation Bush Around the Beat The Mystery Guard Hawaiian Good Luck The Country Club Robots and Slaves Hell Week Bridge of No Return Home It Never Goes Away
USS Pueblo
Larry Marshall is the youngest member of the USS Pueblo crew. You say you've never heard of the Pueblo and those terrible 11 months of 1968? Listen to these clips, and you will never forget.
Argument with Dad
First Assignment
Description of Pueblo
McBucher's Navy
On Station
Attack Begins
Duane Hodges
The Aborted Rescue
The Barn
Charles Law
Bush Around the Beat
The Mystery Guard
Hawaiian Good Luck
The Country Club
Robots and Slaves
Hell Week
Bridge of No Return
It Never Goes Away