"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 WILLIAM BROWN was born January 1, 1833, in Orange County, Ind., and is one of the following family born to C. R. and Malinda (Lee) Brown, who were natives of Tennessee: Sarah, Ransom R., William A. R. and Aaron. His early life to manhood was passed in attending school and assisting his parents in the duties devolving upon them, and May 4, 1856, he was united in matrimony with Miss Jane Dalton, a daughter of Bradley and Nancy (Neal) Dalton, who were natives of the Old Dominion. These children were born to this union; Lillie A., James P., Cam R., Willie, Charley and Richard W. The parents have been singularly unfortunate, as out of their household of children only Richard W., who was born March 13, 1868, is now living. Mr. Brown was a soldier of the late war, enlisting in 1862 in Company H, Sixty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, with which he served faithfully and creditably until he was honorably discharged at the close of the war July 8, 1865. He is the owner of a nice farm of forty-five acres (in Bono Township, Lawrence County), is a Republican in politics. and he and wife are members of the Christian Church, and among Lawrence County's best citizens. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"