History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.,'s Indiana Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JOHN W. COSNER one of the principal merchants of Bedford, was born in Spice valley Township, this county, December 16, 1836. he is a son of William and Mary (White) Cosner, who removed from South Carolina to Lawrence County, Ind., at an early day and participated in many of the pioneer scenes of that time. When about eight years old John W. began living with the family of John D. Thomasson, making their home his till twenty-four years old. In 1858, he began clerking in the general store of Mr. Thomasson, continuing until 1861, when he because one of the three partners composing the firm of Thomasson & Co. Cosner & Glover succeeded the latter firm, and in January, 1878, Mr. Cosner began in business alone. In January, 1881, A. N. Butler became a partner, and the firm of J. W. Cosner & Co. continued in business two years, when Mr. Butler was compelled to retire by reason of ill health. Since then Mr. Cosner, with his son William H., under the firm name of J. W. Cosner & Son, have continued an undiminished trade. September 29. 1861, he was married to Sarah F. Jeter, and the names of their children, are: Hattie, William H., Josephine, Laurenie, Oliver, Ralph, Frank and Rollan. All are living but the last named. Mr. Cosner is one of the self-made men of Bedford, is a Republican in politics and a member of the Subordinate Lodge of Odd Fellows. Data Entry Volunteer: Lynn Dielman "lynnd@adnc.com" Lawrence6.gif 9/3/97