"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JOSHUA H. CRIM, a native of Martin County, Ind., was born August 21, 1844. His grandfather, STEPHEN CRIM, was born in Kentucky, in 1788; married a MISS FARRIS in 1809, who was born in Kentucky in 1793, and by her was the father of twelve children, four of whom lived to be married and rear families. One of these was MARTIN D., the father of the subject of this sketch; he was of the same nativity as his parents, his birth occurring November 27, 1815, and by hard work educated himself. In 1828, he came with his parents to Indiana, where, January 13, 1840, he married Miss ELEANOR BUSEY, of Galesburg, Ill., and by her became the father of nine children, as follows: SARAH J. (deceased), MARY E. (deceased), JOSHUA H., C. A. (deceased), MARTIN D. (deceased), LYMAN AUSTIN, VAN RENSSELAER, ZERILDA (deceased), and MATILDA. The mother dying December 22, 1862. Mr. Crim married ZERILDA J. BURTON, March 31, 1863, and six children were the result of this union, named: JOSEPH, CHARLES, NETTIE, LIZZIE, and two that died in infancy unnamed. Mr. Crim lived in Orange County a short time, and while there realized the immense value of fine grit of some of the then unopened quarries, and he was the first to take steps toward the opening of these. For many years he was engaged in merchandizing in Martin County, and at one time was a Representative in the State Legislature. In 1856 he began the practice of medicine at Mitchell, but in 1872 established himself in the drug trade, which he continued until his death, June 28, 1876, and was buried by the solemn rites of Odd Fellowship and Masonry. Joshua H. Crim received an academic education in youth and clerked in his father's store, and when only eighteen years old, enlisted in Company A, Seventeenth Indiana Volunteer Mounted Infantry. At the battle of Murfreesboro, he received such severe injuries which resulted in his discharge, June 6, 1863. He taught school and attended Earlham College after his return home, and November 6, 1865, married Miss JULIA, daughter of ZACKARIAH and RUTH BURTON, by whom he is the father of five children: CHARLES H., ELLA R., MAGGIE M., LELIA and C.B. In 1870, Mr. Crim moved to Huron (Spice Valley Township, Lawrence County), where he has built up a large and lucrative trade in general merchandize. He is a Republican; a Sir Knight in Masonry; a member of the I.O.O.F. and Baptist Church. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"