"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 DAVID H. ELLISON, County Superintendent, was born near Leesville, Lawrence County, October 7, 1851, son of James H. and Mary A. (Breckinridge) Ellison, natives of Indiana and Kentucky. In addition to the district schools, our subject attended the high school at Leesville two years, and in 1872 he entered the State University at Bloomington, where he remained three years. He then taught school two years, after which he re-entered the State University, from which he graduated June 12, 1878, when he accepted the principalship of Leesville High School, remained five years, and in 1883 was appointed County Superintendent of Schools, receiving seven of the nine votes cast. He was married in Leesville June 11, 1878, to Miss Sarah Holland, born in October 3, 1858, and daughter of William A. and Jane (Jeter) Holland, and one child has blessed this union--Minnie. While at college the class agreed to give a silver cup to the oldest child of any one of its members after five years, and the daughter of Mr. Ellison won the prize. He has two farms, in Flinn Township, containing 350 acres of fine land. He is an I. O. O. F. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"