DAVID G. GRAY, a native of Monroe County, Ind., and a son of William and Mary Gray, who were among the first pioneers of that locality, was born March 31, 1826, and is one in a family of ten children. His education was limited to the primitive schools of his day, and until seventeen years old he worked on a farm. At that age he began working at the tanners trade, and for thirty-eight years made that his vocation, most of the time at Bedford, and for twenty-five years as a partner of D. R. LaForce. Since the death of Mr. LaForce in 1873, Mr. Gray has been retired from active pursuits, and resides with his wife at their pleasant and comfortable home near the Bedford High School building. He owns valuable property, is a Republican in politics, a member of the Masonic order, and is well known and universally respected. On the 3d of February, 1854, his marriage with Elizabeth Long was solemnized, and both he and wife belong to the Leatherwood Christian Church. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"