"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JOHN D. GUTHRIE was born in Guthrie Township, December 11, 1831, being the third child of DANIEL W. and LUCY A. (WEDDELL) GUTHRIE. He continued with his parents on the farm until nearly twenty-one years of age, receiving only fair education at the subscription schools. His youth and early manhood were passed without noteworthy event, and September 21, 1852, his marriage with PATSY WALTERS was celebrated, and to these parents the following six children were born: SALINA, who married WILLIAM HARRIS; ARCHIBALD, who married MARY BOFFLE; LODEMA, who became the wife of M. BROWN; MARIA, who became the wife of VOLNEY ROUT; MARTHA and JOHN D., JR., the latter being unmarried and at home with their parents. Mr. Guthrie has followed the occupation of farming to the exclusion of other pursuits, and now owns 400 acres of well-improved and well-stocked land. He is a Republican, and himself and family are exemplary members of the Methodist Church. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"