JOHN HARRIS was born in Fayette County, Penn., January 29, 1824, and at the age of twelve years was taken to Ohio by his parents, with whom he remained until the age of twenty-three years, when he came to Indiana and located at Bedford. His education received in youth was limited. In Ohio he learned the mason's trade, which he has followed to some extent since. December 16, 1847, he married Jane Crawford, who bore him three children, two now living: William C., who married Salina Guthrie, and Jane S. E., who married John W. Green. January 21, 1855, Mrs. Harris died, and January 17, 1856, Mr. Harris married Nancy Spear, and seven children are the issue: Priscilla E., wife of W. F. Cooper; Joseph L., who married Mary J. Allen; Sarah A., who became the wife of H. P. Root; John W., Lausin K., Oliver P. and Eva C. Mr. Harris is a farmer by occupation, and owns 230 acres of good land. He and wife are members of the Methodist Church. He is a Democrat and a Mason. June 3, 1871, his second son by his first wife, a young man twenty-one years old, went bathing in White River and was drowned, to the intense sorrow of his relatives and friends. John Harris is the third of nine children of Joshua and Jane (Badger) Harris. The parents were native of Virginia, and the father was a soldier in the war of 1812. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn ""