"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JAMES N. JETER was born February 14, 1834, in the county where he is yet living, and is one in a family of twelve children born to Elbert and Sarah (Irvine) Jeter, the former emigrating from Kentucky in 1822 to Bloomington, Ind., where he followed tailoring for a time, but years later moved to near where he now resides in the vicinity of Orleans. James N. resided with his parents until eighteen years old, and during his minority secured a common school education. He began the cabinetmaker's trade at twenty-three and October 26, 1856 married Miss Mary A. Payne, of Martin County, who was born March 13, 1835. Seven children crowned this union, named, Hester J. (deceased), Edward Everett, Theodore, James N., William J., Maud and an infant, deceased. Mr. Jeter has steadily followed his trade ever since marriage, and now controls a comfortable trade at Huron, where he resides. July 6, 1861, he volunteered to shoulder a musket for the suppression of the Rebellion and became a member of Company F, Twenty-first Indiana Regiment, but afterward was transferred to the Twenty-first Indiana Heavy Artillery. July 31, 1864, he was discharged by reason of expiration of term of service. He is a Republican and has been twice elected Justice of the Peace. Mrs. Jeter belongs to the Christian Church. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"