"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 ELIHU S. MCINTIRE, M.D., was born in Mariette, Ohio, January 9, 1832. His paternal grandfather was a native of the north of Ireland, and came to this country in 1798, locating in Pennsylvania. Here his son Charles was reared and educated. The latter married Miss Isabel Daily, a native of the Old Dominion. In 1839 he came to Spencer County, Ind., where he engaged in farming and yet resides at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. His wife died in 1881. They reared a family of eight children, one of whom is the subject of this sketch. He was reared upon a farm, receiving such education as the schools of that day afforded. When about nineteen he began teaching school and soon after took up the study of medicine, which he diligently pursued. In the fall of 1856 he entered the medical department of the State University of Iowa, located at Keokuk, graduating in the spring of 1858. He began practice at Dallas City, Ill., but in 1862 enlisted and received the appointment of Assistant Surgeon of the Seventy-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. In 1863 he resigned and began the practice of medicine in Crawford County, Ind., where he remained until 1865; then came to Mitchell, where he has since resided. He followed his profession some time and then became editor of the Mitchell Commercial, which he successfully conducted for eleven years. He was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Bowers in 1856. She was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1832. To this marriage have been born six children: Ella, Mary, Henry, Lucy, Charles and John B. Dr. McIntire has always voted in opposition to the pro-slavery party. He is a member of the Board of United States Examining Surgeons, located at Mitchell, also of the Methodist Episcopal Church and Masonic Order. As a journalist, physician, and citizen no man in the county is more popular, and the county would be much better off had it more such men as Dr. McIntire. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"