"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JAMES D. MOORE, merchant, was born in Burlington, Iowa, September 13, 1840, the third of eight children born to Jonathan and Catharine (Dyer) Moore, natives respectively of Kentucky and Tennessee, who were early settlers of Indiana, the father being a saddler. He died in 1854, and his wife in 1874. Subject when four years of age came with his parents to Bloomington, Ind., where he was principally reared ad educated, and where he learned the trade of molding. In 1863 he enlisted in Company K, First Indiana Heavy Artillery, and was Sergeant. He was in the Red River expedition and at Mobile, serving till January, 1866. After his return he clerked for several years, and in 1872 located in Mitchell (Marion Township, Lawrence County, Ind.) in general merchandizing. In 1880 he was elected County Treasurer on the Democratic ticket by a majority of 127, the Republican State ticket carrying the county by 412 majority. He has given, of late years, much of his time to farming and stock-raising. He was married in Mitchell, February 2, 1871, to Miss Mary Sheeks, daughter of John and Diademma (Turley) Sheeks, natives of Kentucky. Miss Sheeks was born in Marion Township, April 28, 1851, and has borne her husband three children: Nora D., Roy S. and Olin J. The family are members of the Christian Church, and he is an A.F. & A. M., an I.O.O.F., a G.A.R., and a stanch Democrat. Mr. Moore started in life on borrowed capital, and has accumulated a fine competency, having one of the handsomest and best residences in Mitchell. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"