"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JAMES R. OVERMAN was born in Lawrence County, Ind., October 14, 1847. He is the son of LEVI and ELIZA J. (BRYANT) OVERMAN. JAMES OVERMAN, his grandfather, when a young man, came from North Carolina in 1814 and settled in Washington County, Ind. He married MISS MARGARET MUNDON. To them were born five sons and two daughters, all of whom reached maturity. Levi was one of the sons, and was married in this county (Lawrence). He was born in Washington County, Ind.; his wife in Lincoln County, Ky. To them were born eight children. The BRYANTS--ROBERT and his wife, LUCINDA CULBERTSON--came from Kentucky to this county in 1830; settled in Spice Valley Township, near where the village of Bryantsville is now located. LEVI BRYANT's (NOTE: This maybe should have read Robert Bryant's) father was the one who settled and laid out Bryant's Station, Ky., the same year DANIEL BOONE settled Boonesboro. He was a celebrated Indian fighter; was killed at the battle of River Raisin in the war of 1812. Robert Bryan's wife is still living on the old homestead in Spice Valley Township. Of the eight children in Levi Overman's family, James R. and two sisters are the only ones now living. Levi dead October 3, 1879; his wife in April, 1876. James R. Overman was reared on a farm. He attended the common schools of his neighborhood until eighteen years old; then attended several terms of the Bedford High School; entered the State University at Bloomington in 1867, from which institution he graduated in 1871. February 19, 1884, he was united in marriage with MISS CARRIE E. SCANTLIN. Like his ancestors before him, he has always voted in opposition to the Democratic party and at present is the Republican candidate for State Legislature, a position for which he is eminently qualified. He has done much to build up the stock interests of the county and is a cultured, practical and influential citizen. He is a member of the Masonic order, having taken the Commandery degrees. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"