"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JESSE T. PHIPPS was born in Shawswick Township, Lawrence County, Indiana, May 1, 1823, the fourth of nine children of LEWIS and MARGARET (RECTOR) PHIPPS, the father a native of NORTH CAROLINA born July 19, 1783, the mother a native of GRAYSON COUNTY, VIRGINIA, born February 17, 1793. In the winter of 1822 the parents located near Bedford where the father became prominent and well know, and owned at his death November 22, 1858, a farm of 146 acres. The father was a consistent member of the Baptist Church. Our subject's youth was passed without event, and at the age of twenty-six he married (March 29, 1849), NANCY M. DOTHITT, who bore him six children, of whom four are living: HENRY C., SARAH M., OLIVER M., PARTHENA A. Henry is in Kansas; the others are with their parents. Mr. Phipps has followed farming principally through life, though for four years he was a merchant in Daviess County, Indiana. He owns 156 acres of land, is a Republican, takes an earnest interest in all public enterprises, and is universally respected. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"