"History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Co.'s, Indiana" Goodspeed Bros. and Co., 1884 JOHN D. THOMASSON, one of Bedford's oldest business men, was born in HENRY COUNTY, VIRGINIA, December 17, 1812, and is one of seven children of FLEMING and MARGARET (DAVIS) THOMASSON. Eleven months and eleven days is the sum total of his schooling, confined to the primitive log-cabin schools of his day, and until 1838 he followed farming. In that year he embarked in the grocery and provision trade in COFFEVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, continuing until March, 1841, when he came to LAWRENCE COUNTY, INDIANA, where he has almost constantly been engaged in merchandising since, residing at Bedford since 1853. Here he has been identified with many of the business industries of the town, and has always taken an active part in laudable enterprises. April 20, 1834, he married Miss JANE ROBERTSON, by whom he was the father of one daughter - MARY M., born September 5, 1840, died February 28, 1864. He is a member of the Blue Lodge in Masonry, and is present Secretary of Lodge No. 14, and from 1879 to 1883, was Trustee of the Bedford Schools. Mr. Thomasson was a Whig in politics, afterward a State Central Committeeman on the Bell-Everett ticket. On the breaking out of the Rebellion he became a Republican, and from 1863 until the abolishment of the office was Provost Marshal of Lawrence County. In 1872 he united with the liberal Republicans, and was a delegate to the Cincinnati Convention that nominated Horace Greeley. Since then has been a Democrat. Mr. Thomasson has served years as a Justice of the Peace in Lawrence County, and in that capacity rendered general satisfaction. Data Entry Volunteer: Diana Flynn "ivie@tima.com"