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Total Control Manager 2003 Editing
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GENERAL RULE - If the value you enter is BELOW 65, then the percentage will have an effect, if it is 65 or OVER then the percentage generally has NO effect.
There are a few values missing for some of the jobs, but these will be added. Feel free to tell if you find one not on the list --> George

The Jobs List

00 - Increases the effect of fitness training above 80 points by x%
01 - Individual Playing Skills
02 - Notifies x% more candidates for hotlist
03 - Special Area is mastered x% more quickly
04 - 2 Special areas mastered x% faster
05 - Team tactics mastered x% faster
06 - Maintains discipline x% less trouble
07 - Improves tactical training by x%
08 - Specialist in defence training - skills +x%
09 - Specialist in midfield training - skills +x%
0A -Specialist in attack training - skills +x%
0B - Containment mastered x% faster
0C - Pressing mastered x% faster
0D - Offside trap mastered x% faster
0E - Long Passing mastered x% faster
0F - Short passing mastered x% faster
10 - Counter-Attack by x%
11 - Build-up play mastered x% faster
66 - Maintains discipline (20% less trouble)
67 - Can sometimes resolve squabbles
68 - Good at resolving squabbles


65 - Knows the Australian Youth Market
66 - Knows the Chinese Youth Market
67 - Knows the North American Youth Market
68 - Knows the Asian Youth Market
69 - Knows the Brazilian Youth Market
6A - Knows the African Youth Market
6B - Knows the South Amerian Youth Market
6C - Knows the GLOBAL Youth Market
6D - Knows the Goalkeeping Talent Worldwide
6E - Knows the Defending Talent Worldwide
6F - Knows the Midfield Talent Worldwide
70 - Knows the Attacking Talent Worldwide
71 - Can spot talent as young as 12
72 - Can spot talent as young as 11
73 - Can spot talent as young as 10
74 - Can spot talent as young as 9
75 - Youth players have +1 tactical education


65 - Knows how motivated a player is
66 - Knows physical condition of player
67 - Knows player's salaries
68 - Knows Morale and Physical situation of player
69 - Knows Morale and Salary situation of player
6A - Knows Physical and Salary situation of player
6B - Knows Morale, Condition, and Salary of players
6C - Knows Morale, Condition, and Salary of Goalies
6D - Knows Morale, Condition, and Salary of Defenders
6E - Knows Morale, Condition, and Salary of Midfielders
6F - Knows Morale, Condition, and Salary of Attackers
70 - Can assess talent exactly
71 - Can assess talent well +/-1
72 - Can assess talent rougly +/-2
73 - Knows if player is hero instantly
74 - Can assess if player is a hero
75 - Can assess tactical level exactly
76 - Can assess tactical level +/-1
77 - Can assess tactical level +/-2
78 - Can assess tactical level +/-3
79 - Can assess talent and tactical education precisely
7A - Recognises talented and heroic status instantly
7B - Recognises heroic status and tactical education instantly
7C - Recognises talented, heroic status and tactical education instantly


00 - Increases sales of merchandise by x%
01 - Increases sales of jerseys by x%


00 - Cuts construction costs (Stadium and Club) by x%
01 - Cuts construction costs (Int Youth Camps) by x%
02 - Inc in average return from ad boards by x%


00 - Increases the number of organised fan clubs by about x%
01 - Raises popularity with the fans by x% through good communication


00 - x% less loss of morale with fun training session
01 - x% faster improvement of individual skills


00 - x% improvement in individual playing skills
01 - Special area (x% mastered faster)
02 - 2 Special areas (x% mastered faster)
03 - Good relationship with youth players, less x% dropouts than normal
04 - Speeds up tact. training by x%
05 - Speeds up tact. training for Under-12s by x%
06 - Speeds up tact. training for Over-13s by x%
07 - Speeds up tact. training for 11-14s by x%
08 - Speeds up 1st and 2nd stage of tact. training by x%
09 - Good integration of youths from abroad (+x%)
65 - Father figure. no-one leaves
66 - Speeds up tactical training by x%
67 - Particularly good integration of youths from abroad


00 - Special Area (??) is mastered x% quicker
01 - 2 Areas (??) & (??) mastered x% quicker
02 - Fitness Bonus
65 - Gives form bonus of 1pt
66 - Gives form bonus of 2pts
67 - Gives form bonus of 3pts


00 - x% loss of morale for being on the subs bench
01 - Jitters have x% less effect
65 - 1pt morale bonus for all players
66 - 2pts morale bonus for all players
67 - 3pts morale bonus for all players
68 - Jitters have NO effect
69 - Can eliminate negative characteristics of hard players
6A - Can eliminate negative characteristics of self-centered players
6B - Weak opposition are underestimated 50% less


00 - Drives down transfer fees for players by average of x%
01 - Drives down salaries of players by average of x%
02 - Gets sponsors to contribute x% more
03 - In training camp dealings, negotiates a price reduction of x%
66 - Gets 5% more in dealings with players and in transfer negotiations
67 - Gets 10% more in dealings with players and in transfer negotiations
68 - Gets 20% more in dealings with players and in transfer negotiations


00 - Can reduce the average time injured by x%
01 - Specialises in groin injuries, reduces injury time by x%
65 - There are more for the doctor


00-->Reduces the time lost to knee injuries by x%
01-->Recovery from crucial ligament x% faster
02-->Recovery from medial ligament x% faster
03-->Recovery from injuries to abbductor x% faster
04-->Recovery from cartilage injuries x% faster
65-->Reduces the time lost to knee injuries by 25%


00 - Reduces the time lost to ankle injuries by x%
01 - Reduces the time lost to broken ankles by x%
65 - Reduces the time lost to ankle injuries by 25%

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My thanks go to Wougle and Vegimata who helped compile this list.