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Scott County Genealogical Society, Inc.

P. O. Box 23
Scottsburg, Indiana 47170-0023



Genealogy Related Books, Genealogy and Family Records

We welcome the donation of any Genealogical related material.
If you would like to donate a book to the Research Rooms in memory
of a loved one, a name plate will be placed in each book you donate.

Estate Planning

Remember the Scott County Genealogical Society, Inc. in your Estate Planning.
You can provide continued support for the Society and the Research Rooms
with your donations. Any gift, large or small, will be greatly appreciated.

Sponsor a Research Room

For an $2100.00 donation, the donor is entitled to have one of the rooms named
for their ancestor or loved one for a period of one year. The Scott County
Genealogical Society will have a commemorative plaque hung in a room
and will display a picture of the individual being honored.
The first room was named the Mamie Cole Mace Research Room, the
second room was sponsored in memory of Beverly Lou Hutton
by her sister and brother-in-law.
The room has been sponsored to honor a living friend:
in 2005, Thelma Gilbert Hogue and in 2006 and 2007, Naomi Keith Sexton.
The rooms are available for sponsorship.
Check with your cousins. If you share an ancestor, perhaps they will
share the donation to sponsor a room.
Sponsorship is available anytime.

Memorial Plaque

Honor the memory of your Scott County Ancestor with his/her name
engraved on a Memorial Plaque.
The plaque is located in the Scott County Genealogical Society, Inc.
Research Rooms
Scott County Heritage Center and Museum
1050 S. Main Street
Scottsburg, Indiana 47170-0023
The cost is a $100.00 donation per name.
For more information e-mail or call (812)752-3388

To submit a name

1. Clearly print or type the name of each individual being submitted (an ancestor,
loved one, or figure from Scott County History) and include year of birth and year of death.
2. Submit each name with a biographical sketch of up to two pages.
3. Check each name, dates and biographical sketch for accuracy.
4. Enclose a $100.00 check or money order for each name:
Mail to:
P.O. Box 23
Scottsburg, Indiana 47170-0023

All donations go to support the Research Rooms Sponsored by the
Scott County Genealogical Society, Inc. All donations are tax deductible.

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