Healthy relationships, evolve around, each partner being equal. Equal needs being met and equal responsibilities. Violence, of any kind, is not an option, because it would violate the rights, of one partner.
Unlike the abusive relationship, that is based on one partner having all the control and power, over the other. In which case, dignity is lost, by both partners.
A healthy relationship, contains non-threatening behavior, both partners can express themselves, comfortably and feel safe, in doing so. Whereas, a violent relationship, the abuser uses intimidation, to make the other partner afraid, to express themselves or do what they chose.
In a healthy relationship, there is mutual respect, valuing opinions, both partners are non-judgamental listeners and are emotionally understanding. Abusive relationships, there is emotional abuse, to control and keep power, they play mind games, call names, instil guilt and try to make you feel bad about yourself.
Where there is trust and support in a non-violent relationship, mutual respect of goals, opinions, individuals rights and allowing friends and activities, of each partners choice. A abuser, uses isolation, controls some or everything - the other partner does, reads, who they see and often uses jealousy to justify these actions.
Non-violent relationships have honesty and accountability, admitting when they are wrong, being responsible for ones own actions, communicating openly and truthfully. Whereas abusers, place blame on the other partner, shifting the responsibility or deny things, like abuse, even happened.
Responsible parenting is being a positive non-violent role model and sharing all the parental responsibilities, which is present in healthy relationships. Abusers use the children and make the other partner feel guilty, threaten to take them away and/or use visitation to harass the other parent.
In a healthy, equal relationship, there is shared responsibilities, they make family decisions together and fairly distribute the work, mutually agreed upon together. Wherein a unhealthy one, the abuser treats the other partner like a servant, they define the men's and women's roles, in the relationship and make all the major decisions.
A good relationship is an economic partnership. They make sure each benefit from financial arrangements and make all money decisions together.
A abuser will keep all the money, making you ask for it. Prevent you from getting or holding a job and usually don't let the other know about, or have access to the family income or accounts.
In a healthy relationship, there is negotiation and fairness. Both are willing to compromise, seeking mutually satisfying resolutations to conflict and they will accept change. Abusers will threaten and coerce, the other partner into doing what they want. They make or carry out threats to hurt you, leave you, or report you to welfare. They could talk you into dropping charges or doing illegal things, to name a few.
The abuser uses all of these tactics, to establish and maintain, power and control, and to make you do whatever they want, regardless of what you say, or feel. They are self-centered and feel their partner is their property, not a human being, with rights.
However domestic violence presents itself, abuse is NEVER the fault of the victim. It is totally and completely, the responsibility and choice of the abuser.
If someone is angry over something, they have the right to complain, they could leave, or they could even ask for a divorce, but, no one EVER has the right to hit, demean or abuse another person, in any fashion.