A site for victims and survivors of domestic violence and abuse.  We help people with emotional abuse, physical abuse, 

verbal abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse, rape, spouse abuse, child abuse, spiritual abuse, ritual abuse, battery, stalking, 

harassment, family, violence, neglect, depression, co-dependency, self-esteem, trauma and post traumatic stress disorder.  We 

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~ Does The Person You Love ~

  • Track all of your time or check up on you often as if you are not trusted?

  • Constantly accuse you of being unfaithful and sleeping around?

  • Discourage your relationships with family and friends?

  • Prevent you from working, attending school or going out?

  • Criticize you for little things, like you can not do even simple things right?

  • Totally ignore you or your children, like you are not even there?

  • Control all finances and force you to account for what you spend?

  • Let you and children go without basic needs like groceries, utilities, phone?

  • Keep the phone locked up or take it with when they leave?

  • Destroy personal property and sentimental items?

  • Call you names and humiliate you either in private or in front of others?

  • Treat you and any children like you are property?

  • Tease, abuse, hurt or even kill your family pets?

  • Keep you or your children from getting even basic medical care?

  • Drinks or does drugs then gets angry or violent?

  • Blame you for the anger and abuse, everything is your fault?

  • Tell you that you're crazy or say the abuse never happened?

  • Hit, punch, slap, kick, bite, burn, push, trip or use any other physical force on you or your children?

  • Threaten to hurt you, your children, your family or friends?

  • Use or threaten to use a weapon against you or others you care about?

  • Force you to have sex with them, or others against your will?

  • Have they knowingly given you a sexually transmitted desease?

  • Threaten to kill themselves, or someone you care about if you leave them?

  • Are you scared, often worried, can't relax or always on guard, being very careful of all you do or say?

~ What Do Many Abusers Have In Common ~

  • Low Self-Esteem ~ insecure and unsure of themselves but usually present a different picture to others.

  • Traditional Sex-Role Expectations ~ They will get angry that you can't live up to their unrealistic ideals.

  • Jealousy & Control ~ Not out of caring, from insecurities and feeling they have the right to control you with force.

  • Abusive Backgrounds ~ Many witnessed or were abused as children and feel it is acceptable behavior.

  • Blames Others ~ They will usually blame everyone or everything but themselves.

  • Denial ~ They do not want to accept responsibility for thier own choices and behavior.

  • Abuse Alcohol Or Drugs ~ Which lowers inhibitions and may intensify abuse but, it is not the reason they abuse.

  • Mental Or Emotional Problems ~ Some violent people may have untreated mental or emotional health problems.

~ Why Does Violence Continue ~

  • Lack Of Alternatives ~ Victims of abuse may be dependent on the abuser and feel powerless to escape.

  • Shame ~ Victims may feel helpless, worthless, guilty or ashamed and scared to trust those who could help.

  • Isolation ~ No where to turn, abusers work hard to get their victims isolated without any support system.

  • Hopes And Dreams ~ They enjoy some good times and may be in love, but without help abuse usually gets worst.

  • Finances ~ Money is often a problem in leaving, especially when children are involved.

  • Children ~ Thinking it is best to raise them with both parents and they are not effected by the abuse.

  • Threats ~ The abuser may threaten to kidnap the children or get custody of them.

  • Knowledge ~ May feel alone and not know there is help available to them.

  • Promises ~ Abusers will promise everything, they know just what their victim wants to hear.

  • Responsibility ~ Many victims feel it is their responsibility to change and help the abuser.

  • Normal ~ Victims who witnessed abuse as a child know nothing else, to them it is normal.

  • Low Self-Esteem ~ They are broken down and do not have the self-confidence for decision making.

  • Religon ~ Many believe they have to stay under any circumstances because of religous beliefs.

  • Protection ~ Afraid police or courts will not be able to give then the protection needed.

  • Fear ~ They are scared of what their abuser would do to them or others they care about, if they left.

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