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Silence of the... Squid...

There's not been much talk of Clive recently, because I haven't heard from him in... ooh, a long while. It all went a bit pear shaped after he became a little than.. usual, and rather publicly crushed the head of the old man in the white robe with the green face. (face paints, I would assume, though I suppose it was feasable that his face was naturally that colour, or he had some kind of skin condition or something.) He would wander round with a board around his neck reading "Beezus shaves", and preaching about his religion. Clive dislikes overly religious types, so he drove his jeep into the man, knocking him down and running over his head.

There were many witnesses to the event, and while none of them had liked the old man, and probably had similar ideas to Clive, they were able to give the police a fairly detailed account of the incident (not that Clive is lacking in distinguishing features, being, as he is, a squid of enormous proportions...)

The police were after him the same day, and so Clive and his cronies decided that it would be best to flee, and keep their heads down for a while until things had calmed down. He had only been able to communicate sketchy details of the event to me before he left, and didn't tell me where he was going.

Clive has (for once) been as good as his word, and nothing has been heard from him at all. Though all this sudden talk of "colossal squid" makes me a little suspicious...

While life seems a lot easier without Clive, and this place has been strangely quiet and undamaged lately, it has left me with nothing of interest to write about. I miss the squid himself, too. Okay, so he's a crazed, violent, destructive criminal, but... he doesn't have anything against me, and well, that my friends, is all that matters. Heh...

Come back soon, Clive... the gnomes in the shed are becoming complacent. :)

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