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can't control the lifetimes but no one said anything
nobody told us the roles were assigned
hand over hand we climb into the light signs
sweetly submerging your soul into mine
lead me down into the hopeless abyss
entangle me in the dark, rapturous kiss
what are we that we can love like this?

once this girl told me it was all for nothing
but i saw the something
in losing my eyes
when will the music of words cease to hurt my ears
and no "I love you"s dissolve into lies?
let me say what I mean when it is strong
when I mean truth my intention is not wrong
how can possessing exclude to belong
it is loveless

desperate pleading produces a numbness
one pushing backward when misunderstood
moments of strain give us the thing we sought
needing you like I thought I never could
give me your nurture, give me your care
love me or lose me to the lover despair
I would be with you when you weren't there
it's not loveless

