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September 11, 2001
The day the world changed forever



America's Day Of Horror

On the 11th, 2001; a beautiful September day
Thousands of Americans went about their way
Not one thought of the ascending gloom
That hit New York, boom, boom, boom.

Four of our planes were hijacked 
Many lives lost by this cowardly act
The twin towers came tumbling down
Part of the Pentagon tossed to the ground.

New York City had a peaceful tone
That in seconds became a "War Zone"
Thousands of innocent lives now lost
At the hands of some despicable host.

In shock and grief, sorrow and pain
This city remains a ghostly scene
As thousands labor to rescue and recover
Those caught in this 'horrendous act' of horror.

We Americans pray as we feel great grief
That descended upon us like a thief
Who master-minded this terrorist plan,
To show America that they can?

President Bush vows to hunt you down
Your punishment is surely to abound
"You may run; but you can't hide
We will find you by and by".

America is a united nation that stands
Brave and tall even at our traitor's hands
We'll win and stand taller than ever before
For "In God We Trust" forevermore.

We may tumble; but we will not fall
Standing still temporarily; we'll make our call
You'd best ask for God's shoulder to cry on
For you'll surely need it before we return home.

"Justice shall prevail" is a promise to you
For you are satanic and members of satan's crew
America will soon be victorious over you
You'll wish you had chosen God before we're through.

We'll take each perpetual one; we know who you are
And those who helped harbor the plan from afar
You had your day of fun filling us with gloom
Pay backs are hell; you'll see soon.

For you left us devastated, in shock and great grief
And in our minds; a bizarre scene beyond belief
With life and liberty and justice for all
America stands firm in making their promised call.

We will recover and retaliate appropriately
From this bizarre and massive catastrophe
We will not fade nor will we fall
For America proudly forever stands tall.

For we are ONE NATION under - GOD -
The SUPREME who hears our every cry and plea
In God we trust; as, He sends us PEACE

written by...Mary Scott Beaty
September 12, 2001


Song by Elvis Presley

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