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 Dust arose as flames burst out from New Yorks horizon.
Soot began to pile as people panicked beneath.
Ashes fell as the inferno built but not a soul stopped fighting.

The twins colapsed with the sound of a thunderous
roar and all that was normal simply was no more.

More tears fall everyday and the sobs are heard. 
The loudest cry is not from the individuals,
mourning friends, family and loved ones. 
No, the loudest cry is from America as one nation...
Together to form a union of liberty.

Together to form a band of patriotism.
Together to stand and warn terrorists that we,
as a nation, will not tolerate these acts of evil any longer.
Finally, we are here to proudly stand and say that 
as long as the stars and stripes fly in our skies 
we will have freedom!

Author: My Granddaughter
Jillian Rachelle
Song by: Lee Greenwood


We dedicate this page to those people that perished 
in the Towers and in the airplanes on
September 11, 2001
And to pay our respect to the family members.

This Page and website is
designed, maintained 
and copyright by