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Touch the Wall

Touch the wall my brothers, each and everyone 
Touch the wall my brothers, know the time has come
The time has come for unity ....for one and for all
When you touch the wall, my brothers, when you touch the wall

You can cry at the wall my brothers,
The healing tears at last
When you touch the wall my brothers
When you touch the wall at last

My name is written on that wall
For all the world to see
When you touch the wall my brothers
My spirit there will be...

This wall, a sad remembrance for some
A wall of love for others
The ones who died and names here abide
Are here out of brother

That wall of granite cold and hard
Is a meeting place through the winds of time
So touch the wall my brothers 
And heal your heart through mine.

Time can't take away the sorrow
Nor can it bring your loved ones home
So touch the wall my brothers
And some day where we are... you'll roam

Your name too, will be etched in stone
And a heart will cry for you
But for now touch my name on the granite wall
As it sparkles in the morning dew

By: Jene' Lind  ©
June 8-01

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