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Monday's Maytag Melody

Mama rose in early morn
Before the sun would shine,
set the boiler on the stove
To start the wash by 9.

She rolled that  old Maytag
Then put the coffee on,
Baked a batch of muffins, 'cause
The homemade bread was gone.

While  Daddy filled the washtubs,
We helped to sort the clothes;
Laid them on the kitchen floor
In colored piles and rows.

We all sat 'round the table,
Asked God to bless this day;
When breakfast time was over,
the boys went out to play.

Was time to fill the wash machine,
Pour bluing in one tub,
Then Mama brought the scrubbing board,
"Those white sock you must rub."

Soon the house was filled with steam;
The air smelled fresh and clean.
I listened to the rhythmic tunes
Played by that old machine.

Then back and forth and up and down
The agitator'd bang,
That hand-turned wringer, old and worn,
At times, would loudly clang!

It took us all the livelong day
Just to get the laundry done,
Then hang it on the outside lines
Was work for everyone.

When dried and fluffy, brought it in
To fold and put away.
Two baskets full of sprinkled clothes
I would iron them next day.

Author Angie Monnens


