Saturday Night Bath
It's Saturday night at our house
And the washtub's been brought in,
The blanket's on the clothesline,
I'm stripped down to the skin.
The kettle's on the cookstove
A-boilin' up a storm,
And our big old-fashion kitchen
Is a-gettin' nice and warm
There's Lifebuoy in the soap dish,
Clean long johns on the chair.
No need to holler, "Me first!"
Mom's worked it out real fair.
Kids stout enough to pack their own
get water clean and pure;
Li'l kids never see the bottom of the tub
Tho' all get washed for sure.
The round tin tub's now obsolete,
and bathrooms come in twos.
And what I like more than fancy decor
Is the power I have to choose.
For we all couldn't be the oldest,
And while none of us is dumb,
We've all had a turn at bein' the least
And a-bathin' in the scum!
Author C. Ellen Watts
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