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The people designing caps
for medicine bottles
must be twenty years old

First you must align the arrow on the cap
with the arrow on the bottle
except that the arrow is so faint
you can't see it


You must push the cap down hard
before you twist it open
except that no matter how hard you push
nothing happens


You must first take off
the plastic around the cap
except that it is so tight that
even scissors can't make a dent in it


You must pry open the cap
by lifting it upward
except that all your nails break
your fingers get raw
and the bottle stays closed

There is an arrow on top of the cap
that indicates the direction to twist it
except that when you twist as directed
the bottle locks up permanently

In other words, medicine bottles are indeed
childproof as well as people proof

Throwing it against a wall does not work
nor does stomping on it or cursing it
And calling on a neighbor won't help...
unless of course 
the neighbor is twenty years old

Author Natasha Josefowitz, ph,D.

Source: Too wise to want to be young again
book of poems.

Page by Susie1114
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