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When I decided to bring this site into being, I did so with the understanding that
I wanted it to be for those who were searching for something more in life. How
about you? Are you even now in a search for something, or someone to fill that
void in your life? Many have tried in vain to fill that emptiness with everything from
finance to fornication. I've found personally that nothing this world has to offer can
truly satisfy me. There is no human that can fill that void. Maybe this is where you
find yourself today. Maybe this is why you went searching in the first place! Well
my friend, I'm pleased to tell you that your search has not been in vain.

The One true, satisfying, void-filling Person you're searching for is God! Now I know,
for some that may seem a trite, even juvenile answer. But I contend, have they ever
tried and proven God to be anything but filling and satisfying? It is easy to say that He
is not the need in your life. It's hard to try Him. It's hard to prove Him. This is not an
easy road I'm proposing. But know this: it is the road that you are on. And this road
will lead only to God.

So what do you say? Want to hear more? Then read on, because the good news only
gets better!