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When certain events come to pass, it is often easy to foresee what might be coming next, and we do want to be proactive. But living this principle can be a challenge.

Many people of faith
have an uncomfortable feeling about the direction the modern financial system is taking.
Some of us feel like the proverbial canary in the coal mine, and almost instinctively, we are looking for the way out. This letter attempts to explain why we are so nervous about the near term future, and why we have such hope for the long term.

If you are reading this article you may have met someone who is trying to create a degree of separation between themselves and the emerging economic system, and who is probably trying to explain their motives to you. I hope your heart is compassionate, and that you will continue to read. Eventually we may need each other.

Is A Dark Financial System Emerging?

It is prophesied that eventually, “No man might buy or sell, except he that had… the number... 666."
Why are we talking about this now?  Prophecy is given so we can identify where we are in God's timeline, and then take the appropriate course of action as prescribed within the prophecy.  Many of us are beginning to wonder if we are now seeing our own experiences within the very pages of the biblical "Book of Revelation."

The scriptures speak of a socio-economic-religious-political-military ruling power in the earth dominated by dark forces exercising an enslaving control in the affairs of humankind. This pervasive system is sometimes called "Mystery Babylon." Its true intentions have often remained hidden. It has morphed into many forms down through the millennia.  Some have seen its influence in ancient Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and it is often even identified within today's modern powers.
This Mystery Babylon, as it is called, at the zenith of its power and just before its climactic destruction, will utilize a specific number that will make it easily identifiable for those with wisdom and those with eyes to see. The scriptural "Book of Revelation" specifies that this number is 666.

ohn writes that, No man might buy or sell, (except) he that had… the number... Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six, (or 666),  Revelation 13:15-18.
The purpose of this article is to examine and test several modern electronic methods of buying and selling, specifically looking for this hidden number 666 to determine whether or not we might, once again, be at this particular point in human history.

If we are finally at this zenith point in prophetic history there are specific actions we can take, and in some cases, that we must take.
The first means of buying and selling we will examine is VISA. Concerning etymology, one blogger comments, "The word 'Visa' means to mark, or approve. When you get a passport overseas, you need to get a stamp from an embassy, or Visa. The word stems from Latin which is visia, or visible, approved."   In other words, VISA is a system of control and ownership.

Down through the millennia, and in scripture, three of the most commonly identified civilizations that have exercised control in world financial affairs have been Babylon, Greece, and Rome,  (C.f. Daniel 2:31-45).   As illustrated below, the word VISA and its logo may be a subtle and hidden reference to these three dominant cultures of Mystery Babylon.

Let's dissect the VISA logo, and each letter, for the hidden 666.
VI = 6   I = 6   A = 6    VISA = 666
VI is 6 in Roman numerals,
S is 6 in Greek, and 
A is 
60 in Babylonian.
In this way, VISA may be a coded reference to the number
666, and to the ancient cultures of Mystery Babylon.
The Greeks used letters for numbers. The "S" or Stigma was used for the number "6", Wikipedia.
There was a "numeric system represented by Roman numerals (which) originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. Numbers in this system are represented by combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet. Roman numerals, as used today, are based on seven symbols:

Greek Numbers
Roman Numbers
Αʹ αʹ alpha 1
Βʹ βʹ beta 2
Γʹ γʹ gamma 3
Δʹ δʹ delta 4
Εʹ εʹ epsilon 5
ϛʹ digamma (stigma) 6
Ζʹ ζʹ zeta 7
Ηʹ ηʹ eta 8
Θʹ θʹ theta 9
Value  1 

The original pattern for Roman numerals used the symbols I, V, and X (1, 5, and 10) as simple tally marks. Each marker for 1 (I) added a unit value up to 5 (V), and was then added to (V) to make the numbers from 6 to 9:

the square end of a chopstick.

a small triangular dent in clay
The Babylonian number system is even more ancient and mostly unfamiliar to the modern reader. It utilized a cumulative method for the "counting of symbols" much like the Roman Numerals structure illustrated above, but rather than the 10 unique number symbols (0 through 9) that we are familiar with today, they used a base 60 system. Using a base 60 number system may hearken back to the original logic of the ancient Sumerians. "More than 5000 years ago, ancient Sumerians invented a way to write numbers" using a squared chopstick-like writing instrument which they would press into clay. (See the illustrations to the left). In this base 60 number system, this imprint which looks like an upside down letter "A" could represent either the number "1" or even "60" as in six hundred sixty six, Wikipedia, and Sumerian Numbers.
Discovering the hidden 666 in the modern financial system is like deciphering a code. Not all languages read from left to right, and not all languages read from top to the bottom. Consider the Roman numeral system in which individual numbers must be deciphered in their place in relation to other numbers. For example, 29 = "Twenty plus nine" (XX+IX) = XXIX. Two symbols are joined together to create one number. Consider this Roman numbering system when translating the number for the letters of the word VISA.
The letters "V" and the I" are joined together to create a Roman Numeral 6.
Then the Greek "S" (6) and the Sumarian "A" (60) can be joined together to create 66.
Then in a similar method of amalgamation, the "VI" and the "SA" can also be joined together, making the two into one, thereby creating and revealing the 666 of the VISA logo.
It is suggested in one online forum that "the ancient Chaldeans, during the time of the Babylonian Empire when the prophetic Book of Daniel was written, had a numerological technique that can be applied to the English alphabet today. In that system, each succeeding letter of the alphabet was equal to 6 more than the one before it. In our system A would equal 6, B would equal 12, etc." I have been unable to verify this claim, but this also would create a VISA value of 666.  This idea, if it can be demonstrated, is attractive because of its simplicity, and because Chaldee (along with the primary Hebrew) was one of the languages used to compose the Old Testament scriptures, (c.f. Strong's Concordance.)
Though it is a bit more complex, I prefer using the Sumerian / Babylonian numbering systems to explain the value of the "A" simply because it is easily illustrated and readily documented. It also recognizes and incorporates the encryption of esoteric philosophy so popular amongst the mystery cultures of the elite. Either way, the 666 is encoded into the VISA logo.
 Next, let us consider one of the more popular Universal Product Codes and the reliance upon Point-of-Sale Barcode Readers. Most will recognize the following barcode structure. It appears on the the packaging of most retail goods.

6              6              6
The Guard Lines
Almost every UPC barcode includes the two extended lines that make up the right guard, the center guard, and the left guard. Technically the barcode reader does not read these guard bars. However, notice the number 6 in the Point-of-Sale barcode pictured to the left. If a number "6" appears on the right of the center guard it looks just like a guard bar made of two black lines ( || ). If a number "6" appears left of the center guard bar, then it contains two white lines. Technically, seven merging white and black lines arranged in a specific binary combination represent each unique number (0 through 9).  Often, the merging of either the black or white bars is not obvious to the naked eye, but the scanner will see them, Wikipedia.

There is a 6 which is (white-black-white)  that is left of the center guard.
There is a 6 which is (black-white-black) that is right of the center guard.
Normally the human eye will focus merely on the thin black lines. The two thin black lines separated by the white line (specifically the black-white-black-white combination) is exclusive to only one number, and it is the number 6. These “two thin black lines” (the black-white-black) that the human eye notices as the number 6 are seen three times in every UPC barcode: Once at the beginning (the right guard), once at the end (the left guard), and once in the middle (the middle guard). In this way, these three "Guard Bars" appear to the human eye look like three sixes (666). Notice that these three guard bar "sixes" (the 666) are also emphasized by often extending these “two thin black lines” below the rest of the barcode. Often this secret or Mystery Babylon 666 financial system is hidden, but yet in plain site for anyone who will look.

Not all barcodes contain these 666 guard bars, and not all barcode systems are connected to this dark occult "Mystery Babylon" financial system. However, let's ask a difficult question.  Are the Merchants who utilize these UPC Point-of-Sale with the 666 Barcode system unwittingly aligning themselves with the forces of darkness by adopting a monetary system that is secretly opposed to the loving purposes of God our heavenly Father?   If so, what might be the end of those who continue on this path of opposition, and where will it take them? Revelation 14:11, Thomas 64. And are there alternative technologies available that are less troubling to the conscience?

666 POS Barcode Reader
The spiritual forces supporting the financial system of Mystery Babylon are dark and sinister. They will promise prosperity, but rather and instead of prosperity, God will remove his hand of blessing and protection from the merchants who embrace and promote a financial system identified by the 666. May we get out from under the control of this system while we still can.

The Apostle John prophesies, “Babylon the great is fallen…  For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies…  And THE MERCHANTS of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more… THE MERCHANTS of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, Revelation 18:2, 3, 11, 15.
The day is coming when "no man buyeth their merchandise any more," Revelation 18:11. Let's begin, even now, to make the compassionate changes we want to see in our world. It may not be easy, but as merchants and consumers we can be found on the right side of history.
Next, let's consider the financial transactions done through the internet. 
CERN logo with the 666
“The World Wide Web began as a project at CERN,”
Notice the 666 in the CERN Logo. Is this a clue revealing a darker purpose and intention behind the original creation of the World Wide Web?
The Visa logo led us into an examination of the ancient Roman, Greek and Babylonian languages, and even into base 60 number systems. In a similar way, the Point-of-Sale UPC code took us into the language of modern computers, binary codes, and base 2 mathematics.  Uncovering the dark 666 connection to the World Wide Web may require an elementary knowledge of yet another Biblical language. Like Greek and  Latin (Roman), Hebrew is another language with Biblical and religious significance that is relevant in this discussion.
Hebrew is yet another ancient language that did not have separate characters for numbers and letters. Letters were used as numbers. So again, even in Hebrew each letter has a numerical value.

The Hebrew equivalent of our English "W" is the letter "Vav" or "Waw". The numerical value of "Waw" is 6. In this way, the "World Wide Web" or the familiar URL prefix WWW comes from the vav vav vav and has the numerical equivalent of "666".

More and more commerce (Buying and Selling) is moving through the net.

The chart below reveals each Hebrew letter, the English transliteration, and the numerical equivalent. Notice the highlighted yellow letter Vav or Waw. The V/W is revealed to be the number "6".
The Google logo with the 666

Can you also see
the 666 in the Google Chrome Icon?
Now you can "Buy and Sell" with "Google Pay."
Google Pay (GPay) Logo.svg
666 in CERN, in Google, and in the WWW.

The world has fallen in love with the World Wide Web. Technology can be used for good or evil, but from its inception evil forces have been trying to claim the Web for their own nefarious purposes to move humanity in a Godless direction.  We will need discernment to see the deception, and wisdom to move forward in a safe manner.

Whenever we see
the Beast's 666 financial fingerprint within our economic system we might do well to stop, and pray and ask for both help and direction. The darkness is deceptive, and when it is dark we can not always see where we are headed. We will need light and direction from above. Pray for help. And remember to be compassionate.
In the scripture John warns us of an evil power that would arise. But have no fear. We still have the power to choose how we will live, and who we will follow. John personifies this evil empire. Some will recognize it when it arrives. John writes “He had power… that no man might buy or sell, save he that had… the number of his name… Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six, (or 666).  Revelation 13:15-18.

When we see these things coming upon the earth we can ask ourselves "Where are we in the prophetic timeline?" Before it arrives the 666 financial system may be pervasive. Just how close are we to the fulfillment of this prophecy?
Even today, as a test, just try to buy and sell without Google-Pay, VISA, the Point-of-Sale UPC code, and the World Wide Web. Many Banks are already mandating that VISA logo will be on their debit cards. And already, some banks won’t even allow you to pay your bills without that same debit card with the VISA emblazoned on the front.

I CHALLENGE YOU.  Try to BUY AND SELL without touching Google-Pay, VISA, UPC codes, and the World Wide Web.  Try to pull away from the system.   It can be done.   JUST TRY... while we still can.  
Are you seeing how difficult it might be to meet that challenge? Are we seeing a fulfillment of prophecy?  Are the implications hitting home?

The scriptures declare that some will get the victory over "this system of control." Are these scriptures speaking of us? The surest victory over the beast and the mark will be for those sealed in the forehead with the testimony of God, Deuteronomy 6:8, Revelation 9:4, and 12:17.

John writes, “I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name (or the 666), stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints,” Revelation 15:2-3.
Are you determining in your heart to get the victory over the beast? We can begin even NOW to create a degree of separation from this beast system. God’s Power is Coming to help us!

Creating a degree of separation between ourselves and this evil system is worthwhile. Such a resistance is not futile. "I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues," Revelation 18:4.

We all have a part to play. God will send us help lest the earth be smitten with a curse, Malachi 4:4-5. Be strong and courageous. Help is coming.
And perhaps, we are the help.
Every victory, however small, will count!   Have wisdom.   Remember that the number "666" is not necessarily evil in and of itself, but this number can be used to identify an evil financial system. Be watchful, and act appropriately.

God has asked us to get the victory over this system for the sake of humanity.

This article might not be complete without one addendum and a final conclusion.
Mystery Babylon is not just an economic system. The beast system is a Socio-economic-political-religious-military power structure that has been continuously morphing into new structures down through the millennia, but one day it will reach its zenith, perhaps by using this 666 economic system, and then it will completely collapse. Be ready for some big changes.

But do not be afraid.   The end time Jewish and Gentile believers represented by the two witnesses, who are the two companies of saints, who are the two olive trees and the two lamp stands, will appear at this time, and they will not be living in fear, but will rather be a living demonstration of the power of God throughout the earth,  Revelation 11:3-11. Get ready to behold the power of God, perhaps like you have never imagined.

The presence and the power of these two corporate companies of witnesses will be the beginning of the end for Mystery Babylon and the beast system that has deceived and corrupted the earth and even killed many of God’s most precious people down through the millennia. When you see these things, the end of the old is near.  And a new beginning is coming.

And when you see the all pervasive "666" throughout the financial system, know that this is a warning from heaven. It is a call to wake up. There is a mark that will be offered, and there may be no turning back for those who accept it.

"And the third angel followed... saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up to ages of ages: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Revelation 14:9-11.
For those who are able to see it when it comes, there may be a connection between the number 666 and a name. When you see these things again, which may have been fulfilled even in the past, know that they are once again signalling the beginning of the end of Mystery Babylon, perhaps this time forever.

Not to get too deep, but if you have read this far, then there is one more occurrence of the 666 that may signal a significant future event. The scriptures speak repeatedly of the number of the name of the beast, Revelation 13:17, 15:2.
In the Textus Receptus, derived from Byzantine text-type manuscripts (which became the basis of the popular King James Version of the Bible), the number 666 is represented by the Greek numerals  χξϛʹ,[6][7] with the Greek ligature stigma (ϛ) representing the number 6,” Wikipedia.

Stated more simply, in the KJV New Testament manuscript the Greek
χξϛʹ is the 666.

There is another language where it is claimed that a combination of characters looks eerily similar to the
Greek χξϛʹ. 
Does the Greek χξϛ for 666 look similar to the first words found in every chapter of the Quran?    I.e. In "The Name of Allah." 

There may be a connection between the number 666 and a religious "name" of worship
that may even be a perversion of Islam. 
666  The Name of Allah
Mystery Babylon has in the past been associated with perversions of Judaism and Christianity. It would not be anything new for Mystery Babylon to use a perversion even of Islam to perpetrate violence against the two olive trees and the two candlesticks mentioned above. It is not always easy to see the future, but when you see these things come to pass, see to it that your hearts "be not troubled."

God is working out a plan, that was designed for our benefit.  And we may be given the privilege of seeing these things come to pass, or even turning the tide, lest a curse come upon the earth, Malachi 4:6.

VI = 6   I = 6   A = 6    VISA = 666

6 6 6

The Google logo with the 666
The Greek number 666
Even before we must refuse the mark in the right hand or the forehead, there will be those who will begin to withdraw from the beast system. They are stepping out in faith for you and for me, hoping for a better kingdom. Be kind to them. And be compassionate.

When you see these things, lift up your eyes. A new beginning, and a better way forward may be just around the corner. Everyone of us has a part to play. May we all be found doing our part.

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