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Questions on Select Portions of the Gospels


Conversation of Jesus with Nicodemus

John 3:14-21

  1. In what manner did Jesus declare he should be lifted up? (John 3:14)

  2. How does Moses describe the event to which Jesus alluded? (Num. 21:6-9)

  3. To what event, then future, did Jesus refer when he said that the Son of man must be lifted up?

  4. For what purpose did he declare he was about to be lifted up? (John 3:15)

  5. What is here meant by perish?

  6. What is here meant by eternal life?

  7. Can such life be enjoyed by men in the present state of existence? (John 5:24)

  8. What does Jesus say, in another place, should occur in consequence of his being lifted up? (John 12:32)

  9. Why did God send his Son into the world? (John 3:16)

  10. If God thus loved the world, are we to suppose that Jesus came to appease his anger, or to purchase his favor towards mankind?

  11. Who are meant by the world?

  12. What is to be understood by only-begotten Son?

  13. What did Jesus say further concerning the purpose of God in sending his Son into the world? (John 3:17)

  14. If such were the purpose of God, is it probable that he will finally cast off any of his children?

  15. But has God so much regard for sinners as to send his Son for their salvation? (Rom. 5:8)

  16. Are not some sinners so vile as to be excluded from that salvation which Jesus came to bestow? (1 Tim. 1:15)

  17. Does not sin become so aggravated, in some cases, that divine grace cannot overpower and destroy it? (Rom. 5:20)

  18. What does sin produce? (Rom. 5:21)

  19. How is this kind of death described by the apostle? (Eph. 2:1-2)

  20. What change is effected in the moral condition of people by divine grace? (Rom. 5:21)

  21. Is it the purpose of God to effect such a change in all his children? (1 Tim. 2:3-4)

  22. Is there any additional evidence that God sent his Son to effect this change in all? (1 John 4:14)

  23. Did he clothe his Son with power sufficient to accomplish this work? (John 17:2)

  24. What are the present effects of belief and unbelief in the Son of God? (John 3:18)

  25. What does the apostle say on this subject? (1 Tim. 4:10)

  26. Will any remain for ever in unvelief? (Heb. 8:10-12)

  27. How did Jesus describe the present condemnation of unbelief? (John 3:19)

  28. What is here meant by the light? (Eph. 5:13-14)

  29. Is Jesus himself eve called the light? (John 1:7-9; 8:12)

  30. What is here meant by darkness?

  31. What is said concerning evil doers? (John 3:20)

  32. Why do such persons hate the light?

  33. What is the meaning of reproved?

  34. What does the apostle say concerning the works of darkness? (Eph. 5:11)

  35. Who is said to walk in darkness? (1 John 2:11)

  36. Have such persons a realizing sense of their relationship to God and of the divine goodness? (1 John 1:7)

  37. What is said of him the doeth the truth? (John 3:21)

  38. What is it to do the truth?

  39. What is it to be made manifest?

  40. Why are virtuous people willing that the true character of their actions should be known?

  41. What are we to understand by the phrase, wrought in God? (1 Cor. 15:10)

  42. Did Nicodemus after this conversation manifest friendship towards Jesus? (John 7:50-51)

  43. What did he do after Jesus was crucified? (John 19:39)
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