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Questions on Select Portions of the Gospels


Jesus teaches in the Synagogue at Nazareth

Luke 4:16-19

  1. To what city did Jesus come after he had been in the wilderness? (Luke 4:16)

  2. Had he dwelt there before?

  3. Where was he born?

  4. Where was he accustomed to go on the Sabbath day?

  5. What was the Synagogue?

  6. Is it proper for the disciples of Jesus to imitate his example in attending regularly on the services of the sanctuary?

  7. What books were read in the Synagogue on the Sabbath? (Acts 13:15; 15:21)

  8. What is the general name now given to the law and the prophets?

  9. Were the law and the other divine oracles then printed in books such as we now use?

  10. On what were they written and in what form were the books?

  11. Of what service is it to assemble for the purpose of public worship?

  12. What was presented to Jesus to read? (Luke 4:17)

  13. Having opened or unrolled the book, what portion of the prophecy did Jesus read? (Luke 4:18)

  14. In what part of the prophecy is this passage to be found? (Isa. 61:1-2)

  15. Upon whom was the Spirit of the Lord?

  16. Have we any account of its visible descent upon him? (Luke 3:22)

  17. What was declared concerning him at the same time?

  18. Who annointed Jesus?

  19. How does the apostle describe this anointing? (Acts 10:38)

  20. For what purpose was he anointed, or filled, with the Holy Spirit and with power?

  21. What is here meant by the poor? (Isa. 61:1)

  22. What is the meaning of gospel?

  23. Is the gospel designed exclusively for the poor or the meek? (Luke 2:10)

  24. Why then are the meek particularly mentioned?

  25. How did Jesus describe that state of mind in which people most readily embrace the gospel and rejoice in it? (Mark 10:15)

  26. In what particular points must this resemblace exist?

  27. Is it probable then that little children are totally depraved?

  28. Did Jesus refer to those who are cast down and sorrowful on account of worldly troubles when he mentioned the broke-hearted (2 Cor. 7:10)

  29. To whom did he refer? (Isa. 66:2)

  30. What does the Psalmist say respecting the broken-hearted? (Ps. 34:18; 51:17)

  31. How does Jesus heal such persons? (Luke 7:48-50)

  32. Will all people finally express sorrow for their sins and be forgiven?

  33. To whom was Jesus sent to preach deliverance?

  34. What is here meant by captives? (Rom. 6:16)

  35. How are such captives delivered? (Rom. 6:18, 22)

  36. In what does true freedom consist? (John 8:36)

  37. How does the apostle describe this deliverance when addressing the Jews? (Acts 3:26)

  38. Is the same blessing reserved for the whole human family? (Acts 3:25)

  39. What is here meant by the blind?

  40. Did Jesus ever restore sight to any who were naturally blind? (Mark 10:51-52)

  41. How did the faith of the man mentioned in this passage conduce to the removal of this blindness?

  42. Is Jesus called light? (Luke 2:32; Isa 49:6)

  43. Shall he finally enlighten all the spiritually blind and give them true light? (Isa. 49:6)

  44. What is meant by the bruised?

  45. What is impled in their deliverance?

  46. Is Jesus able to accomplish the work assigned him and to deliver people from the bondage of sin and death? (Matt. 28:18; John 17:2)

  47. What was Jesus commissioned to preach? (Luke 4:19)

  48. To what year, well understood by the Jews, is allusion made in this place? (Lev 25:10)

  49. What kind of jubilee did he intend to describe by the acceptable year of the Lord?

  50. Why is it proper thus to denominate the age, or dispensation, ushered in by the preaching of Jesus Christ?

  51. Will all captives be set free, and will there be a general rejoicing at the consummation of his reign?

  52. Why was the year of jubilee a season of rejoicing among the Jews? (Lev. 25:8-13)

  53. Is the Christian Jubilee an occasion of equal, and even greater, joy to all men? (Luke 2:10-11)
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