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Questions on Select Portions of the Gospels


Who are the Blessed?

Matthew 5:1-12

  1. To what place did Jesus retire when he saw the multitude pressing on him? (Matt. 5:1)

  2. What is a multitude?

  3. What multitude is here meant? (Matt. 4:25)

  4. Who came to Jesus in his place of retirement?

  5. Was it the custom of the Jews to sit or stand when teaching the people?

  6. Can you mention another instance in which Jesus taught the people while in this posture? (Luke 4:20-21)

  7. Was it the custom of the Jews to sit while they publicly read the Scriptures? (Luke 4:16)

  8. What did Jesus do after his disciples had assembled? (Matt. 5:2)

  9. To whom were his instructions particularly addressed?

  10. Were others present during this discourse? (Matt. 7:28-29)

  11. What has this discourse generally been called?

  12. Through how many chapters of Matthew's gospel does it extend?

  13. Upon what class of men did Jesus first pronounce a blessing? (Matt. 5:3)

  14. What is the meaning of blessed?

  15. Who are the poor in spirit?

  16. How can you become poor in spirit? (Matt. 11:29)

  17. Are those who are poor in this world's goods never poor in spirit?

  18. Are those who are rich in worldly goods never poor in spirit?

  19. Is it more difficult for the rich than for the poor to be humble?

  20. In what manner does Jesus describe the necessity of humility? (Luke 18:17)

  21. In what manner does he represent the difficulty which those who are rich experience in practicing this virtue? (Luke 18:25)

  22. Does he teach that this difficulty will at last be overcome? (Luke 18:26-27)

  23. Is there any difference between being poor in spirit and being gloomy?

  24. Are the proud and haughty as subject to gloominess as the humble are?

  25. What does Jesus say belongs to the poor in spirit?

  26. What is to be understood in this place by the kingdom of heaven?

  27. How do the humble enjoy this kingdom more than the proud?

  28. What did Jesus say concerning them who mourn? (Matt. 5:4)

  29. To what class of mourners did he probably refer in particular? (2 Cor 7:10)

  30. Should we understand him to include other mourners also? (1 Thess. 4:13, 18)

  31. Shall all mourners at last be comforted and all weeping and sorrow be ended? (Isa. 25:8; Rev. 21:4)

  32. How are mourners comforted in the present life by the gospel?

  33. Will a firm faith in the gospel enable people to rejoice even amidst afflictions? (Rom 5:3-5)

  34. What does the apostle mention in Rom. 5:6-11 as the foundation of his hope and a reason for rejoicing in God?

  35. What did Jesus say concerning the meek? (Matt. 5:5)

  36. What is it to be meek?

  37. How should men learn meekness? (Matt. 11:29)

  38. Was Jesus meek?

  39. How did he conduct, when injured, and reviled, and persecuted? (1 Pet 2:22-23)

  40. How do the meek inherit the earth?

  41. Do those who are meek pass through life more quietly and peacefully than those who indulge a hasty and quarrelsome temper?

  42. What did Jesus say concerning those who hunger and thirst after righteousness? (Matt. 5:6)

  43. What is it to hunger and thirst after righteousness?

  44. What is righteousness?

  45. What is here meant by being filled?

  46. In what manner may those who thus hunger and thirst expect to be filled?

  47. Shall all at last be filled?

  48. Having been filled will they ever again feel any deficiency? (John 4:14; 6:35)

  49. What did Jesus say concerning the merciful? (Matt. 5:7)

  50. What is it to be merciful?

  51. What promise is given to them who are merciful to the poor? (Psa. 41:1-2)

  52. Should we be merciful to all our fellow-men?

  53. Should we be merciful to those who do not deserve or merit the exercise of mercy?

  54. Whom does Jesus command us to imitate in showing mercy? (Luke 6:36)

  55. Is God merciful to us?

  56. Do we deserve or merit the exercise of his mercy?

  57. Is he merciful to others who are as unworthy as we are?

  58. Is he merciful to all people?

  59. In what manner, then, should we exercise mercy in order to imitate him?

  60. What present consequences do the merciful and the unmerciful man experience? (Prov. 11:17)

  61. God will punish sinners; is he, then, merciful to them? (Lament. 3:32-33)

  62. When we cause transgressors to suffer, what should be our purpose?

  63. Is such the purpose of God?

  64. What did Jesus say concerning the pure in heart? (Matt. 5:8)

  65. What is it to be pure in heart?

  66. Are people generally pure in heart?

  67. Are they born with corrupt hearts? (Mart 10:14)

  68. Is it wrong to cherish corrupt and sinful thoughts and desires?

  69. If such thoughts and desires be resisted and banished from the mind will they injure us?

  70. If we allow them to remain, what will be the consequence?

  71. Is there any evidence that all people shall be delivered from the corrupt and evil passions which now dwell in them? (Rom 8:21)

  72. Can God be seen with the natural eye?

  73. Why? (John 4:24)

  74. What is it to see God?

  75. Why do the pure in heart enjoy him more than the corrupt?

  76. When shall people fully enjoy the presence of God? (1 John 3:2)

  77. What did Jesus say concerning peace-makers? (Matt. 5:9)

  78. What is a peace-maker?

  79. Who is the great Peace-maker? (Eph. 2:13-17)

  80. In thus making peace, whom did he reconcile, -- God or humans? (2 Cor. 5:18-20)

  81. Which then had been unreconciled?

  82. Whas God ever unfriendly to his children?

  83. Is it our duty to make peace among our fellow humans, so far as we are able?

  84. Is it our duty to live in peace with all people? (Rom. 12:18)

  85. What is the exhortation of the apostle concerning this duty in Eph. 4:31-32?

  86. Why are those who live in peace and endeavor to promote peace among people called the children of God?

  87. What did Jesus say concerning those who are persecuted for righteousness sake? (Matt. 5:10)

  88. What is it to be persecuted?

  89. Are good people ever persecuted?

  90. Are people often persecuted merely because they practice righteousness?

  91. If we must be persecuted, is it better to endure it for doing right or for doing wrong? (1 Pet. 3:17)

  92. Should we, in any case, violate the divine law for the sake of pleasing people or avoiding persecution? (Acts 5:29)

  93. How did Jesus encourage his disciples to bear reviling, and mocking, and persecution? (Matt. 5:11)

  94. What is it to revile?

  95. May not evil things be said truly concerning some people?

  96. Should we feel happy if such things were said concerning us with truth?

  97. Is the blessing promised to those who act imprudently and foolishly for the purpose of being reviled and thus enlisting the sympathy of others?

  98. How should the true disciples of Jesus conduct themselves? (Matt. 4:48; 1 Thess. 5:22; Eph. 4:1-3)

  99. When may we properly rejoice if people revile us?

  100. Why may we rejoice? (1 Pet. 4:13)

  101. What condemnation from our fellow humans should we strive to avoid? (1 Pet. 4:15)

  102. How did Jesus tell his disciples they ought to feel while suffering reproach for his sake? (Matt. 5:12)

  103. Did the apostles afterward show this state of feeling? (Acts 4:41)

  104. Why did Jesus say they ought to feel that way?

  105. What is here meant by heaven?

  106. Who had suffered such persecution before them?

  107. Who are meant by the prophets

  108. Were the prophets persecuted by good people or by sinners?

  109. Is it a mark of goodness to engage in persecuting others?

  110. Did our Lord encourage his disciples to persecute opposers? (Luke 9:54-55)

  111. Does the apostle approve or condemn the practive of persecuting for opinions' sake in Rom. 14:4?

  112. What is the exhortation of the apostle Peter on this subject in 1 Pet. 2:20-23?

  113. Which would give you the most satisfactory evidence of being a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ; to persecute others or to be persecuted by others for righteousness sake?
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