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Chanda's Collections

Page Eleven

You say you love me
And I believe it too
You're so good to me
I think I love you
I've never met
Anyone like you before
I never want to meet
Anyone like you again
You're all I want
All I need
Come to me
And let me show you
How great love can be

written: 11-16-00

Why do you love me?
What is it you see?
It's over my head

Maybe I've dyed my hair too much too much and
The blonde is starting to seep in and
Maybe it's killing all my brain cells
Like on the commercial with the scrambled eggs
Ya know?
Or is all my aimless rambling useless?

Maybe all the holes in my head
Are letting my brain leek out because
The eighteen diamond studs
Aren't filling them well enough
Maybe that's why I can't figure it out...

Or maybe my non-colored contacts
That make my brown eyes lighter
Are blinding me
To the reason why you love me
Could that be it?
Has any of this made sense?

I'm all confused
Why do you love me?
And why isn't it your friend
(the one that I love)
The one that loves me?
How does this whole thing work?
Why can't I figure it out?
Can you give me a hand?
I'm so confused about so many things
I need help,
But I'm afraid...

written: 11-17-00

THE SEQUAL (to "I'm Afraid")
I'm afraid
Of what you ask...
Well, I guess i'm scared
That the hair dye really is
Seeping through my skull
To kill my will to comprehend
And that the eightteen diamond studs
Really are letting my intellect
Leek onto the floor
To be trampled upon
Or that my non-tinted contacts
That make my brown eyes lighter
Really are blinding me from
The reason of your love

But most of all I think that
I'm afraid I'll make the wrong choice
And not be able to go back and fix it
I'm afraid I'll make the right choice
And not realize it until I've ruined things
Or maybe I'm afraid that you'll change your mind
And realize there isn't a reason why you love me
Maybe it's simply the thought that for once
Some one could truly love me
And I love them...

I know now
I'm afraid of all these things
I'm afraid to be vulnerable
But I'm not afraid of myself
Or you, anymore
I want to be with you
I want to make it work
I'm still afraid of love

written: 11-19-00

My heart feels...wait
It's still frozen from the emotion
Left over from last week
All the turmoil hasn't changed
From the time we fought last
Do you even remember that fight...?

You called me a 'nieve child'
And said it was because I never plan
I guess being spontaneous just isn't for you

It's not like I don't plan at all
When it's necessary I do
But that's not an excuse...

Just because you work four
Part time jobs while
Going to high-school
You think you're all grown-up
But that's not what it's all about
At least not for me...

Maybe you want an early start
On all your riches and fame
I just want to be happy...
And loved
I want to be warm
And to feel once again

written: 11-21-00


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