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Chanda's Collections

Page Fifteen

False praises based on ignorance in judgement
Leads everyone to believe they are the best in everything
And thus the reason for lack of quality

written: 12-17-00

It’s that time of year again
And I’m missing what we used to be
The memories are so real
I can still smell your cologne…almost
You made me like the cold…almost
We took everything to the Almost
It was perfect for me with all my
Commitment (, and other) issues
We were almost committed
It was almost forever

We complemented each other perfectly
I was the crazy and daring adventurer
(always wanting to try something new)
And you, you were the calm sane one
(trying to talk me out of my another dangerous
stunt and ending up jumping with me)
Together, alone artists always
Hours were spent sculpting, painting, sketching
Always resulted in beautiful work
(and walls, clothes, and ceilings covered in paint)

Ah…yes, we almost accepted each other completely
For who we were
But you couldn’t understand
(no matter how I explained)
That I wasn’t ready for a full commitment
You couldn’t see why almost was my perfection
It was everything I ever needed and
All I had to give
I couldn’t understand why you expected so much of me
And why you wanted to move with us
You knew I wasn’t ready for it
Couldn’t handle it
I didn’t want to move away, but I had no choice to make
I couldn’t deal with so much commitment in my life
What if I met someone new?
New place, new school, new people…right?

Sometimes wrong choices are made
Even as I write these words and
My eyes well-up with tears I can’t take mine back
But still…
I’m missing what we used to be and
The Almost was almost perfect

written: 12-30-00

I wish you were here
So I could see your smiling face
Hear your sensual voice
Smell the cologne that only you wear

I get chills when I see you around
You’re the one I can tell anything to
Our conversations on life
(real like, not the movie-mirage one)
Have lasted for hours on end
Resulted in beautiful lessons that could be learned
No other way

written: 1-4-01

Spent forever looking for you
I found what you wanted
(not what I needed)
You took all I had
Burned it right in front of me
Didn’t care that it hurt
Wanted to see me tremble
In your presence
Thought you were my King
Come to save his lonely Queen
But you just wanted to take
All you could away from me
So fuck you and all your kingdom
I’d die a million deaths
Before I’ll think of you again

written: 1-4-01


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