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Chanda's Collections

Page Five

Memories losing strength
A condom breaks
These things happen everyday
They don't just go away

A whirlpool of images
Entering my mind
You used to be one of them
But now you are gone

written: 5-15-00

A controled disposition
Of feelings untamed
I found what I liked
And they took it away
I wanted no more
Than to be able to stay
But…they had to take it away

A controled disposition
Of feelings untamed
I don’t know how much longer
I can last like they say
They tell me to cope and
That I’ll learn to deal
But…I just wanted to stay

Why so they have to
Be so unfair?

I could have been happy
I used to be happy
Would it have hurt them so much to just
Let me stay?

written: 5-25-00

Destructive forces
Rain down from all sides
My parents decide
I'm better off inside
So they shelter me
People are coming
Hurry, quick
We better hide
Before they corrupt us
From the outside in
The inside out
Does it really matter
If we live again
To control some more
To suppress some more
And to kill some more
We claim to be different
But we're all the same
Just disguised in different uniforms
Costumes maufactored in factories
Run by little children with
No choice to decide what they want
No choice to run if they want
From the men who force them
To work in poor conditions
Day after day
In and out
There is no end
To this tragic display of
Our nations lack of control
But still we say we're the best
We act like we're the best
So why do we run and hide
Like mice from a crazy lady
With a carver's knife
Trying to cut of our tails
The portals to our souls
But she doesn't know...
So...all's a go

written: 6-11-00

So many young people
With hope in their hearts
Thinking they can change the world
But, they've just begun to start
To realize how bad it really is

Generations of corruption have
Phased this land,
Scarred this country, and
Hurt this man,
And while he's given up all of his hope
His children persist,
They're convinced,
They can change this world
To be just right
With all love, and so much hope
Just like their own little paradise
Inside their heads

But, when will they see
That sometimes its too late to change,
That we're not perfect,
Just the same as the rest,
Like we'll always be

written: 8-2-00


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