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Chanda's Collections

Page Six

I believed in you
When you said I should
I trusted you
When you said I could
And look where it got me

At home, alone,
With no one to talk to
At home, alone
With no one who thought to
Treat me like a human being

written: 8-30-00

Shaking, tears falling,
Friends comforting, pain coming
Closer it's getting,
Hurting my soul
Pain is arising
Ripping my soul
Into pieces it goes
Away from me it flows
Into another world
A world I've never been to
A world I can't get to
My soul is gone

Insanity comes, slowly first
But gaining speed
What do I do now??
Is insanity fun??

written: 9-1-00

So many things
Running through my mind
This was going to be
A beautiful poem of love
Well versed and flowing together
But when I looked into your eyes
I forgot what I was going to write
Oh, your eyes, so pretty
One blue, one brown
Filled with tenderness and caring
Understanding and full of compassion
How they sparkle with delight
When you make me smile, so bright

No one else has ever been able
To make me smile quite like you
I often wonder what it is you've got
That the rest don't
What is it,
That makes me love you,
Like no other??

written: 9-3-00

Do you remember that night?
It seems like forever ago
Under the stars, so bright
On the beach, waves splashing at our feet

That was the night
I told you how I felt
Oh…how I should regret it
You tore my heart apart
But somehow I don’t

You only live once
How would I have known
If I hadn’t tried?
Oh…the pain you caused

You were so cruel
And the worst of all…
You knew it would hurt
And yet, you went through
Didn’t try to hide it
Or cushion the fall

Maybe I should thank you
For being true to your heart,
Not lying or deceiving
Honesty’s always right,

written: 9-4-00


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