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Chanda's Collections

Page Seven

Summer nights are often spent
Covered in the sweet sweat of your lover
Holding each other and saying forever
Knowing forever is only ‘til autumn

written: 9-9-00

A divorce from dependence
That I really didn’t want
A separation of emotions
That tore me apart,
Away from me I go
I left myself,
In a fight that I lost
A battle against myself

written: 9-29-00

How am I to know
If you like me or not?
I thought about asking,
But what if you said 'no'??
I'd really be crushed,
And not know what to say
I'd look kinda dumb
Asking such a question
In front of your friends
(or should I say 'our'?
you've all been so nice to me)
But back to the topic
Do you like me or not?
I'm dazed and confused,
I'd really like to know...
But what if you say 'no'?
It won't be the end of the world,
But it might just feel that way
Sometimes you act like you like me
Other times I just don't know
(sending mixed signals should be a sin,
though I'm sure I do it too)
You always smell so good, and
Everytime I see you
You smile so bright
(each time it makes me like you even more)
You hate to see me frown, or be by myself
You always check to be sure
That I laugh at your jokes
(you thought I didn't notice?)
So do you like me or not??
I can't wait forever,
(though I might for you)
I'm dazed and confused when it comes to you...

written: 10-4-00

You seem to be
The source of it all
Of everyhting I ever wanted...
And didn't

You seem to like
Things being this way
Because you know
I'll always stay
And be all yours

At least thats what you think
I can't stay forever
I need more than your offering
Stall too long
And I must go and move on

You see,
You seem to like
Things as they are
'Good' friends and
Nothing more
(or maybe your just momentarily confused??)

I try to hint
To make you see
The way I wish things could be
Sure, we'll always be good friends
But, I guess that's all
Because you waited too long
And I *sadly* moved on

written: 10-6-00


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