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Chanda's Collections

Page Eight

You asked me one day
If I liked the fall
I answered 'no,
it's too cold and I know
winter's coming soon'
You told me not to worry
You'll make me like the fall
And winter too
You'll keep me warm
When the chill sets in

That was last fall
When you said all of this
You kept me warm...
All the way 'til spring

Then I asked you
If you liked the spring
And you said, 'no
it rains all the time
and is starting to warm-up'
I said follow me
To the field of
Budding wild flowers
We danced in the rain
In the middle of the field
Then summer came

Neither of us liked
The summer too much
That's when we broke-up

Now its fall again
And there's no one here
To keep me warm
I keep thinking
(to keep my sanity)
That in the spring you will say,
'There's no one here
To dance with me in the rain

written: 10-7-00

I can still feel the pain
Of the first time I saw you
Look at her
It hurt so much
To see the love in your eyes
Directed at her body
You thought she was beautiful
More so than me
So beautiful
That you left me to hold her
To press her body close to yours
Because she was so beautiful
And I was nothing to compare
But then there was an accident
Huge flames went through the air
And now she isn't so beautiful
And you came back to me
But I don't want u anymore
I know I can do better...

written: 10-9-00

I don't know
The exact time or place
But I know I ruined it

I ruined that precious way
You used to look at me
The way you used to talk to me
And that gentle way you touched me

I ruined it all simply because
I never told you the truth and
I never asked you to tell me yours
We could have been so much more
If we had been honest

But I ruined it
I liked you
You liked me
But we never said anything
Thinking always,
Tomorrow will be the day...

written: 10-10-00

I don’t get a chance
To be like this very often
All bubbly and happy
That’s not the normal me
I’m cynical and can be rude
Grown up too fast
In too many places,
Learned too much
Before I was ready

So when I start to get bubbly
You know something’s up
But I’m not telling what ;o)

It’s about a guy…
Yeah, I’ll give you that
He’s so sweet, charming, and daring
Charismatic and caring too
Cute, gentle, and smells so good
Wouldn’t you like to know who?

Too bad,
I’m not telling
He knows who he is
And that’s all that counts…
For now

written: 10-11-00


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