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Chanda's Collections

Page Nine

You’re not supposed to be like this
To care the way you do
You’re a guy, as I’m sure you know
But the point I’m making
Is that you’re not supposed to show
The way you feel so freely
It makes me think you like me
It makes me like you
It makes me want you to like me
Do you?

Maybe I’m wrong
Liking some one so much
Makes you vulnerable,
It lets you hurt me
But I know you won’t
Will you?

Why are you so nice to me?
Why do you care?
I want to know
All of this and more
But I don’t know how to ask
I can’t just bring it up
Well…I could
But it would be so awkward
For me and you both
But I have to know

Not knowing would be
The one thing that would hurt the most
Spending the rest of my life
Not knowing
What would’ve happened
If only…

It always seems to come down to
That simple phrase
If only…
This world that people deem so complicated
All summed up in two little words
If Only

written: 10-17-00

I can’t wait forever
For something others offer
I wish I could wait forever,
Wait forever for you
To come for me
To pray for me
To be with me
But I can’t wait forever
Not for something others offer
It might not be as good
But at least it will be,
Un-like you and me

written: 10-28-00

Judged by looks all her life
She’s faced the facts:
That’s all people care about
So she diets and exercises,
Hardly eats and throughs up dinner

That’s what you get
For living in a country like ours
Corrupt and deceiving
Lying about nothing
Until the truth is told
Then we run and hide
Not wanting to be the one
Known as ‘honest’
So we tell another lie
(just a little one)
Only to spend nights dreaming
Of a world where a ‘little white lie’
Is the worst sin of all

written: 10-29-00

I don’t want to think about it anymore
I never wanted things to be this way
I didn’t want to like you
It was all a trap damn it!

We were just friends, nothing more
It was all I wanted, all I had
Then one day some girl asked
If we were going out
The answer was ‘no’
But she had thought otherwise
Most everyone had

That’s when it happened
I started to think
How well we must go together
I started to notice
All the little things
That weren’t important before
But they’re all that count now

The way you smile at me
The way you make me laugh
Even the simple way you say ‘hey’
Now I screwed!

It’s all a trap I say
Now I left wanting you
And you’re not telling what you want
But I’m willing to bet it’s ‘just friends’
Damn I’m screwed

written: 11-3-00


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