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Three's Company

Melanie sat on the couch, bursting with laughter. Everything was incredibly funny to her, especially after the amount that she had drank at the after-party. She sat there with three members of the hottest group there was, *NSYNC, and she seemed hardly star-struck at all. Justin saw her laughing, and being drunk himself, couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Hey… MELANIE!” He tried to get her attention, but failed. “JC…” He leaned over to JC, hitting him in the head with a pillow.

“WHAT?” JC roared, causing the then-sleeping Lance to wake up. He jumped from his seat on the couch, and the three of them laughed even harder.

“Wha-“ was all Lance managed to get out before the well-tossed pillow landed right on his forehead.

“Pillow fight!” Melanie screamed before she chucked one at JC, who was already beating Justin relentlessly with his own pillow. Justin knocked JC over to the ground, and Melanie jumped on him immediately, straddling him with her legs and beating the hell out of him. JC grabbed the arm that held the pillow, and pulled Melanie down with it, turning her over and straddling her himself. She screamed and brought both of her hands to her face before the cushion came crashing down.

Justin and Lance soon got bored watching them fight, and went back to the kitchen to get another beer. They came back chugging their drinks, and saw Melanie sitting on top of JC on the couch, kissing him deeply, pillows strewn all over the place.

“Shh…” Justin whispered to Lance as they tiptoed into the room quietly. JC and Melanie took no notice of them, being caught up in the moment, and JC continued to run his hands down Melanie’s sides. Justin stopped Lance as they approached the two, and whispered into his ear. “I’m going to have some fun.” Lance just nodded, staring intently at the two making out. Justin made his way slowly over to the two, and set his beer down quietly on the coffee table. He leaned in behind Melanie, and pushed her hair to the side. She stopped kissing JC and looked up behind her, noticing Justin and the sparkle in his eyes. JC looked up as well, and Justin’s only response was to lean in and kiss Melanie’s neck, and she turned around, still in JC’s lap. Justin sat down on the couch and leaned in to suck on Melanie’s neck with a passion needing to be fulfilled.

“What about me?” Lance said, standing in the middle of the room with his hands on his hips. Melanie gestured for him to come, and she sat up, pushing Justin and JC aside. They both sat back on the couch, watching as Melanie walked up to Lance and immediately attacked him, her lips crashing on his hungrily. She pushed him down to the ground as she continued to kiss him, getting on top of him and grinding her hips down onto his, feeling his hardness grow in his pants every second. JC wasted no time in moving down to the floor, and started to tug at Melanie’s pants, urging her to take them off. She sat up and unbuttoned her pants, letting JC pull them off roughly. She then pulled her shirt over her head and stood up, in nothing but her black lace bra and underwear, and her black heels. Lance just lay there, his eyes closed.

“I think he’s passed out…” Justin said from his spot on the couch, and JC nodded. Melanie helped JC drag Lance to the downstairs bedroom, and then they returned to the living room, where Justin looked up anticipating what was going to happen.

“Where were we?” JC said as he circled Melanie, who was standing in front of Justin. He stopped behind her, and Melanie closed her eyes at the feeling of JC’s hands on her back. He ran his fingertips down her spine, and then came to her underwear, which he tugged down to rest at her feet. She stepped out of them as he unclasped her bra with skilled fingers, Justin getting the full view of her. He could feel his erection painfully grow, and he stood up, running his hands over Melanie’s breasts forcefully, while JC kissed down her neck, reaching his arms around to caress the skin of her stomach. JC moved away from the two, and went to go grab a chair from the kitchen.

When he returned, Justin had Melanie on the floor, settled between her legs, and he was sucking Melanie’s breasts, running his hands down her sides as he dragged his tongue around her nipples, one after the other.

“I want to see Justin fuck you…” JC interrupted their business, and he walked toward the middle of the room, setting the chair on the floor next to the couple. Justin just looked at Melanie, raising his eyebrows. She reached up to kiss him, savoring in the feel of his moist lips and smooth tongue. She parted with him for a second and stood up, motioning for Justin to sit down on the chair. He sat down, the bulge in his jeans making him incredibly uncomfortable. Melanie stood in front of him, and slowly bent down to reach for Justin’s pants, while JC took a seat on the couch, intently watching the two. She unbuttoned and unzipped Justin’s jeans slowly, gazing at the bulge that was protruding from his red silk boxers.

“Nice…” She whispered at his length, before she tugged it out of his boxers, not bothering to pull down his pants or anything else. Justin groaned as Melanie moved closer to him, straddling him standing up. She lowered herself, running her wetness over the tip of his erection briefly before she stood back up.

“How much do you want it?” Melanie repeated the motion, and Justin threw his head back, his eyes rolling into his head as he spoke.

“Damn girl, fuck me already!” His expression was serious, yet whispered, as he looked at Melanie, the gleam in his eyes dangerous. Melanie snickered, then lowered herself as slow as possible onto his rock-hard erection. Justin’s hands flew to her waist with lightning speed, and Melanie gasped as he raised his hips to hers, thrusting her down with force. He began forcing her down onto him, driving himself as deep as he could. He totally controlled their movements, pressing his fingers deep into the flesh of her hips as he lifted Melanie up and down. She rode him fast and hard, and soon sweat began to bead up on the both of them. As Melanie continued to fuck Justin, her eyes traveled over to the almost-forgotten JC, who was on the couch stroking himself slowly. She slowed her pace, lowering herself onto Justin with force. JC’s eyes caught Melanie’s, and she licked her lips enticingly, moaning and showing JC how much she enjoyed Justin. He continued to stroke himself, his movements becoming faster with every thrust of Justin’s hips. Justin was oblivious to all of this as he bit his lip, almost ready to burst. Melanie continued to grind into him, holding her gaze with JC the whole time.

“Melanie… baby…” Justin managed to breathe out, as he came closer to his orgasm, Melanie becoming faster with each movement. He overtook her mouth, his tongue entwining with hers rapidly as he bucked his hips. Justin soon released into Melanie, not able to hold out any longer. “Damn girl…” He breathed as he pulled away and came down from his climax, Melanie standing up, her chest heaving from the experience. JC stopped his motions and stood up quickly, the lust in his eyes almost scaring Melanie. He didn’t bother to button his jeans, and his erection stood at full attention. Melanie gazed longingly at it, feeling herself become even hotter at the thought of JC inside of her. Justin sat still on the chair, his eyes now focused on JC and Melanie.

“You ready for me?” Melanie said in a seductive voice as JC approached her, standing less than inches away.

“Are YOU ready for ME?” He spat at her confidently, and Melanie could have melted with right there with those words.

“Take me…” Melanie said breathlessly, offering her body to JC. He smiled, his eyes traveling over her body, which was now thinly layered in sweat. He bent down and licked a trail on her inner thigh, smelling her musky scent and causing Melanie to shudder at his touch.

“Just wait…” JC breathed out as he roughly pulled her to the ground and moved on top of her, needing to be satisfied quickly. He latched his mouth onto hers as he guided himself into Melanie, thrusting into her roughly. Melanie arched her back and pulled her lips away from JC’s, not able to hold in the feelings of the sensations any longer. She screamed as JC pounded into her fiercely, and tore into his clothed back with her nails, digging deep into his back. Justin watched on with intrigue, as JC continued to fuck her, his thrusts moving Melanie on the carpet, sending burning sensations throughout her back. Melanie’s screams soon became routine gasps and whimpers as JC drove into her over and over again, baring no mercy. She felt the tension build up in her quickly as JC worked, and soon her orgasm exploded through her like wildfire, her body flush with the blood of excitement. As she came down, JC continued to drive into her, and soon he was overcome with his own climax, bursting into her with his burning fluids.

Melanie, JC, and Justin all breathed heavily with weariness, the only sounds being their breath as they remained still in the living room. Soon their heads all turned as they saw Lance stumble into the room, a cheesy grin plastered on his face.

“What about me?” He stammered out, and they all broke into laughter.

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