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Talkin' Smack

Julia opened the door to her apartment, immediately throwing down her heavy backpack in the foyer. She walked past the living room, not even giving it a second glance, and made a beeline for the kitchen, pulling her shirt over her head as she walked, revealing her half-covered breasts. She lived with just her roommate and her roommate’s boyfriend who was gone most of the day, so walking around in lingerie didn’t bother her one bit. She opened the refrigerator door and drank some orange juice straight out of the bottle, resting her hand on the counter while she leaned against it.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to drink straight out of the bottle?” Julia jumped straight to the ceiling, sending the bottle and orange juice crashing to the floor. She glanced down at the newly made mess, and then looked up, noticing her roommates’ asshole-of-a-boyfriend smirking at her.

“Justin, you scared the shit out of me!” Julia said as she wiped a couple of stray drops from her pants, and then looked back up. “Prick… what brings the asshole home so early?” she muttered under her breath. Justin said nothing at the comment, and Julia followed his eyesight straight to her breasts, which she had completely forgotten about. Being slightly embarrassed, she grabbed her shirt from the counter and slipped it on quickly. He looked back up and gave her the cocky smile that was usually plastered on his face.

“I don’t know how Sharon can stand being around you, being so messy and clumsy. I know I sure can’t.” Justin continued to watch her as she opened the cabinets and proceeded to clean up the orange liquid.

“I don’t know how Sharon can date you, considering that you’re a dick-less bastard.” Julia retorted, standing up to retrieve more towels. Justin just walked over to the couch, throwing himself on the cushions. He sighed heavily, shutting his eyes as he spoke.

“Jealousy just doesn’t look good on you, Julia.” This comment made her stand up, the fury building in Julia’s eyes.

“What makes you think I’m jealous?” She set down her towels and walked into the living room, standing directly in front of Justin. He kept his eyes shut, making himself comfortable on the couch.

“Oh, well considering the fact that Sharon has me, and you’re alone, well, with no one wanting to date you and all…”

“What?!” Julia yelled. “What makes you think no one wants to date me?” Justin opened his eyes slightly.

“Oh come on. You haven’t gotten any in ages. That’s why you’re such a bitch. And now no one will want to fuck you because of that fact.” Julia’s eyes grew wide at the comment.

“Well, at least I’m not dating someone out of pity… Sharon probably just feels sorry for you. Don’t think I don’t know about your little “problem” Justin. I know men like you, I know how and why they act the way they do.” Justin now had his eyes opened all the way. “You probably couldn’t get it up if your life depended on it. You’re nothing but a self-centered bastard, with nothing to be conceited about.” Julia was now the one with the cocky smirk.

“You little bitch.” Justin jumped off the couch and in two seconds flat, had Julia pinned to the wall. His hot breath stung her cheek. “You can’t pull shit out of your ass like that and hope it comes true.” His grip on her shoulders tightened, and the heat rose between them. “I could make you scream out until you have no more voice, you little bitch.” Julia was unable to move, being held against the wall by Justin’s force. The muscle play in his arms caught her eye, and against her will, Julia felt herself starting to become turned-on. The mixture of Justin's anger and Julia's senses made it too hard to bear. She fought to regain her senses as his eyes burned through her own. Her mind was reeling and her body was responding to this closeness, even though it was Justin. He seemed to notice the shift in her attitude, and moved his head back slightly, giving her more of a questioning look than an angry one.

“Please get away from me now, asshole.” Julia said softly, as she tried not to let herself become engulfed by his body heat, his warm breath, and the soft scent of his cologne. He truly was a beautiful creature, which made Julia even more frustrated inside. She turned her head to the side and inhaled sharply, trying to overcome her desire. What she didn’t know was that Justin could read her like a book.

“Well, well, well. You are just a bitch.” Justin moved one of his hands and gripped her left breast, kneading it through her shirt. Julia gasped and looked Justin straight in the eye, but did nothing to stop him. “A horny little bitch.” He moved even closer, moving his other hand between her legs, massaging her center and noticing the burning heat radiating through her pants. Julia whimpered, and Justin pressed his lips against her neck as he continued his verbal and physical assault, his touches becoming rougher. “Too bad I can’t get it up, now isn’t it?” And to mark his words he gave a slow grind against her frame, making sure that Julia felt his enormous erection against her inner thigh. Julia felt her knees buckle, and Justin took that as the perfect opportunity. “I guess I’ll just leave you alone now.” He said, backing up, leaving her breathless. He turned around to leave, and Julia could not stop the words from coming out of her mouth.

“Wait… I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry Justin, for saying that…” He turned around halfway, and she mentally kicked herself for being so passive. She decided to change her approach. “I’m sorry for saying that, but I just can’t believe the screaming part. I hear nothing but silence from your room. Shows how much you can please a woman.” She was now just simply making a pathetic attempt at taunting him, but she didn’t care anymore.

“That’s it…” Justin walked over to where Julia stood, and in one swift motion, threw her body over his shoulder. He proceeded to carry her to her own bedroom, Julia making weak attempts at protest along the way. Reaching the foot of Julia’s bed, Justin threw her on top of the comforter.

“Justin, what are you-“

“Shut up, bitch.” Justin showed no remorse on his face. “You asked for it, Julia.” Julia made no additional comment as she watched Justin quickly unbuckle his belt, then unbutton and unzip his pants. He pushed them and his boxers to the floor, watching Julia look at him with anger and lust filled eyes. His shirt was discarded after. She noticed his huge erection, and became wetter in spite of herself.

“Justin, maybe we shouldn’t…” Julia trailed off as she continued to stare at his perfect body. Justin just laughed at her maniacally, making his way on to the bed, practically tearing off her clothes. She was in a daze, her thoughts filled with nothing else except for getting him inside of her. Once Justin got her naked, he took a moment to admire her body, then he pushed her on the bed and forcefully spread her legs apart, climbing between them.

“Well Julia, are you ready?” Justin asked, and before she even had a second to answer, he pushed all that he had inside of her in one swift thrust. Julia could not help from screaming out in pleasure and pain. Justin took this as a sign to continue, beginning to pump in and out of her with a fury. Julia attached her hands to his broad shoulders, gripping on for dear life. There was not a moment of silence from Julia as he worked, the sweat beginning to build on their bodies already. Soon, Justin found a fast-paced rhythm to work with, and stuck there, Julia’s screams dying down to loud gasps and whimpers, and her face contorted in pleasure.

“Uhhh, Justin, I, I…” Julia tried to speak, but to no avail. Justin felt Julia begin to climax, and pulled out immediately, the action being met by a loud moan from Julia. He wasn’t done with her yet. He grasped her torso and flipped her body over, bringing Julia to her knees in front of him. He entered her again, wrapping one hand around her stomach, and placing the other one in her hair, pulling her head back. Julia was forced to grab onto her headboard for support because Justin’s thrusts were threatening to knock her into it. He showed no signs of wear, except for the occasional anamalistic grunt that would escape his lips. Julia was brought to the point of screaming again.

“Do you like this?” Justin asked, moving his hand from her head and placing it between her legs, rubbing her as he pumped in and out, the movement of their bodies making the bed squeak. She moaned in response, giving Justin the answer he needed. Her moans became more frequent as she came closer to her orgasm, Justin’s thrusts becoming steadier, rougher yet slower. He pounded into her almost violently, finally sending her over the edge, as Julia released everything with a loud scream. He continued thrusting into her trembling body, finally reaching his own orgasm. She felt his warm liquid released into her, and collapsed on the bed, Justin lying on top of her. Julia panted heavily, recovering from the experience, as Justin rolled over and got off the bed like nothing happened. He threw on his clothes quickly, and made his way to the door.

“I’m guessing that you won’t talk shit anymore, correct?” Justin asked, and Julia nodded meekly, still coming off her climax. He then left her speechless, making his way out of the apartment with no more words spoken.

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