Dinosaur of the month - INDOSUCHUS raptorious


From the lush damp dawn of a Jurassic day, herbivores make them selves comfortable in the cold breeze, hadrosaurs of all ages migrate to the near by rivers to taste the salty water. An unexpected reflection is cast on the river, shows a 6 metre long animal, with razor sharp teeth eager to pierce meat, its leathery body camouflaging it in the bushes. What a dreadful sight. Slouching sneaking from the eyes of the innocent herbivores, it manages to move close to a mid aged animal, mouth watering with hunger, the swift meat eater loops its massive head, giving a wide bite to the neck of the calm animal. A wild cry is heard, within seconds the hadrosaur is brought down to ground, with blood flowing into the rivers, the rest of the herd are taken away by the fright and run into the dark bushes.

Indosuchus raptorius lived in the dark jungles of the Jurassic period. It lived in a unique place where most of the carnivores did not flourish, it measured about 6 metres in length and could weigh upto one ton. It was a close relative of the very famous animal Allosaurus fragilis. Besides being huge it could run at high speeds as much as 8-10 kms /hrs, the secret for this lies in its hind legs and hips, they could swing up to acute angles, thereby the animal could sway its legs considerably far as much as 3 metres apart. Thus it can be concluded with a few mathematical and logical calculations that the animal could out run its victim or prey quite easily. Other than speed the animals teeth and jaws could give in a great deal in its hunting habbits.

INDOSUCHUS raptorious (in-doh-SOOk-us)
Indosuchus raptorious, structural
  • Meaning: Indian Crocodile
  • Named by: von Huene & Matley in 1933
  • Period: Cretaceous (70-65 million years ago)
  • Length: 6 metres
  • Height: 2 metres at hips
  • Weight: 1 tons
  • Location: India, Asia
  • Discovered: Charles Matley, 1933
  • Order: Saurischia
  • Suborder: Theropoda
  • Infra order: Ceratosauria
  • Super family: Ceratosauroidea
  • Family: Abelisauridae

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