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My Duck and Chickens website

Home Page

Welcome to My Duck and Chickens page.
I am a licensed Master Falconer
This started out when My son Dale was given the name Duckman from a Cousin overseas.
From age 5 each easter he would get Ducklings
Usually by wintertime the local Fox's would eat the Entire flock.
2003 I had lots of Time on my hands being out of work.
I decided it was time to Build a New Duck cage and housing area.
This Year Ashley decided she too wanted some birds.
I ended up with 128 Birds Due to the hungry Fox's we are already down to about 30
2003 I added Chickens and pearly's. I built the Coup,and Flightcage along side the barn.
So this Year we are now Raising Kaki Campbells,Caugas,Leghorn Chickens,and Pearly gray's
Its now 2006 and I am building a new facility to raise Courtinix,and Bobwhite Quail.
Enjoy the Pics there are over 40 of them and it may take awhile to Download.

this is the most eggs I have in just 1 day 13 eggs.

Can you Guess whats Been digging at the Coup?

WE actually Saw the FOX.. looks like the FoX won this battle

look what I caught in the Coup.. in late september 2004.... I was going to train this bird For falconry since its a young Bird( still has Down) But the kids accidently released It.

Last modified on Tuesday,Octoberr 14th, 2003