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~~~UndinesKiss~~~ Friedrich de la Motte Foque 1811
The tale centers around the playful & mischievous water spirit Undine, daughter of the King of the Sea. Sea maidens are lovelier and longer-lived than their mortal counterparts, living peacefully in crystal palaces deep beneath the waves. The one thing the water spirits lack, and Undine longs for, is an immortal soul. The only way a water spirit can obtain an immortal soul is through uniting in love with a mortal man. In time, Undine finds love when she meets the knight Hulbrand. They are soon married. Her uncle warns her that if Hulbrand ever raises his hand or voice against her, the pride of the water spirits will not let her continue her life with him,and if his love ever strays from her, he must die. Eventually, Hulbrand is drawn to the arrogant Berthalda. Thus,Undine sadly kills him with a kiss.

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