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A Fairy is an imaginary creature that appears in the folklore of Western Europe.For hundreds of years,authors have written about fairies in novels,plays,and stories called "Fairy Tales".The King and Queen of the fairies were Oberson and Titania in many tales.

Oberson,Titania and Puck by William Blake c.1785

William Shakespeare featured them in his comedy "A Midsummer Nights Dream".Fairies have magical powers,which they use to perform both good and bad deeds.Fairies are usually helpful,but they often behave mischievously and occasionally act cruelly.There are several kinds of fairies,and each lives in a certain area.Brownies,buccas and pixies live in England;goblins in France;kobolds and nixes in Germany; and elves and trolls in the Scandianavian countries;Leprechauns and banshees in Ireland.
Fairies make themselves invisible to human beings.However,some people have the power to see fairies and the places where they live.Sometimes fairies become visible to a person who steps into a fairy ring.

Fairy Ring

Fairy rings are dark green circles found in a field or meadow.Fairies enjoy dancing and use fairy rings as dancing places.
No one knows how the belief in fairies began. In some stories,fairies were angels who were forced to leave heaven because of some wrongdoing. In other stories,fairies were spirits of the dead. Some scholars believe that fairies began as ancient nature spirits, such as the spirits of mountains,streams and trees.The nymphs guarded the different realms of nature.
In most tales,a King and Queen rule fairyland,with the Queen having the most power. Fairyland may be under the earth,inside a hollow hill,or beneath a lake.The entrance may be a door in a hill or under the roots of trees.
Some fairies live under the roots of trees

Very often,people who see fairies come across them suddenly and unexpectedly.Whether or not positive proof of the fairies existence is ever obtained, literally millions of people around the world have, in centuries past, been convinced of their existence, and those who in recent times have seen them with their own eyes will continue to believe.
Unicorn and Fairies

"The Unicorns were the most recognizable magic the fairies possessed, and they sent them to those worlds where belief in the magic was in danger of failing altogether.After all there has to be some belief in magic~however small~for any world to survive."...from The Last Unicorn written by Terry Brooks

~Magic of The Fairies~

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